
Sram in ponos pri predšolskih otrocih
ID Konc, Tjaša (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prosen, Simona (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4006/ This link opens in a new window

Čustva so zelo pomembna za otrokov celostni razvoj in ker je večina otrok vsak dan približno polovico dneva v vrtcu, je pomembno, da ne samo starši, ampak tudi strokovni delavci v vrtcu ustrezno pristopijo k vsakemu izraženemu čustvu otroka. V diplomskem delu me je zanimalo, ali v vrtcu strokovni delavci pri otrocih opažajo zgolj temeljna čustva ali tudi čustva samozavedanja, ki vključujejo sram in ponos, ter kako se na čustva otroci odzivajo. Za sram in ponos me je tudi podrobneje zanimalo, v katerih situacijah ju strokovni delavci v vrtcu opazijo in kako koristna se jim zdita. Pri raziskovanju sem uporabila anketni vprašalnik. Vzorec anketiranih zajema 40 strokovnih delavk iz VVZ Radovljica, ki delajo z otroki iz obeh starostnih obdobij. Ugotovila sem, da strokovne delavke v vrtcu pri otrocih pogosteje opažajo temeljna čustva, kot pa čustva samozavedanja in da se z otroki o njih tudi več pogovarjajo, največkrat takrat, ko otroci določeno čustvo izražajo. Strokovne delavke čustva, večkrat opazijo na ravni neverbalne komunikacije (mimika obraza), kot na ravni verbalne komunikacije. Otroci po mnenju anketirank čustvo sramu izrazijo redkeje, največkrat, ko se polulajo v hlače, čustvo ponosa pa včasih, največkrat ko samostojno izvedejo neko dejavnost. Največ strokovnih delavk meni, da sta tako čustvo sramu kot čustvo ponosa za otroke koristna. Dejavnosti za razumevanje čustva sramu, ki jih strokovne delavke izvajajo z otroki, so branje literarnega dela, socialne igre, likovne in plesne dejavnosti, za razumevanje čustva ponosa pa dejavnosti z didaktičnimi igrami, nastop pred skupino, obisk kulturnih predstav in pravljice o doživljanju čustev.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86770 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11273289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Shame and pride in preschool children
Emotions are very important for child's comprehensive development. Most of the children spend at least half of the day in preschool, that is why it is important that not only parents, but also educational workers in preschool, have the appropriate approach to each child the expressed emotion. In my degree, I was wondering if educational workers in preschool observed only on basic emotions or on emotions of self-awareness as well, which including shame and pride and how children respond to emotions. For shame and pride I was also interested in more detail and in which situations by educators in preeschool are observed and how useful they seem. In the research I used a questionnaire. Respondent's sample includes 40 educational workers from childcare institution Radovljica, which working with children in both age groups. I found out that the educational workers in preschool notice basic emotions more often than emotions of self-awareness and that they talk with children more about them, most when children express emotion. Educational workers feelings, repeatedly observed at of non-verbal communication (facial expressions), then in form of verbal. According to the respondents, children shame show rarely, mostly when they pee their pants and feeling of pride sometimes, usually when independently perform an activity. The majority of respondents believe, that the emotion of shame as well as pride, are very usefull for the children. Activities for understanding the emotion of shame, that educational workers perform with children are reading proper literature, social games, art and dance activities; and for understanding the emotion of pride activities with didactic games, performance in front of the group, visiting cultural performances and a story about experiencing emotions.


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