
Sistem upravljanja z energijo na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko
ID MENARD, CENE (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 55650BA5FF4F655549ECB833B60AEBE1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a01d4bde-7f2e-4b60-ad74-042c1c6c2a14

Energetska učinkovitost je področje, ki je vedno bolj aktualno. Za dosego energetske učinkovitosti so potrebni različni pristopi, ki se za zagotovitev kakovosti opirajo na standard ISO 50001 in direktive Evropske unije. Z izvajanjem pristopov učinkovito zmanjšamo rabo energije, stroške in podaljšamo življenjsko dobo sistemov ogrevanja, prezračevanja in klimatizacije. Poleg tega se izboljša tudi udobje uporabnikov prostorov. Cilj magistrskega dela je prikaz postopkov, s katerimi lahko vsak upravljalec stavbe optimizira rabo energije z minimalnimi investicijskimi vložki. Na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko smo analizirali stanje stavbe in njenih sistemov ogrevanja, prezračevanja in klimatizacije. Za namen analize smo najprej temeljito pregledali stanje električnih inštalacij. Kjer je bilo potrebno, smo izdelali nove oznake omenjenih inštalacij. Za analizo smo izdelali drevesno strukturo in prenovili tlorise lokacij električnih omar. S pomočjo analize smo izdelali postopke, ki se lahko izvedejo na fakulteti, primerni pa so tudi za druge podobne javne in zasebne stavbe. Mehki ukrepi so postopki, ki jih uporabniki lahko izvedejo sami in s tem pripomorejo k nižji rabi energije. Zapisali smo, kateri so možni ukrepi na regulaciji toplotne postaje in kateri v prostorih. Za prezračevanje in klimatizacijo smo zapisali ukrepe, ki bi pripomogli k izboljšanju kakovosti zraka in bolj optimalni temperaturi v prostoru, ne da bi s tem obremenili ogrevanje preko toplotne postaje. Za ugotavljanje stroškov na fakulteti je bil vzpostavljen informacijski sistem in energetsko knjigovodstvo. Izdelan je bil tudi osnutek poslovnika kakovosti, v katerem so zapisane dolžnosti in osebe, ki morajo te dolžnosti izvajati. Uporabniki sami velikokrat ne vedo, kakšni so postopki za znižanje rabe energije. Zato so potrebna izobraževanja za zaposlene, preko katerih dobijo dovolj informacij, da lahko izvajajo postopke.

Keywords:Energetska učinkovitost, energetska politika, raba energije, zniževanje stroškov, mehki ukrepi, ogrevanje, prezračevanje, klimatizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.10.2016
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Title:Energy management system at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Energy efficiency is an area that is becoming more and more actual. To achieve energy efficiency, different approaches are required. These approaches must be based on ISO 50001 standard and directives of the European Union to assure quality. With the implementation of effective approaches, we reduce energy consumption, costs and extend the lifespan of heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning. Moreover, the comfort of the occupants is improved. The aim of the master thesis is to show the processes by which any building manager optimizes the use of energy with minimal investment. At the Faculty of electrical engineering, we have analysed the condition of the building and its systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. For the purpose of analysis, we thoroughly reviewed the state of electrical installations. Where necessary, we created new labels for mentioned installations. For the analysis, we created a tree structure and redesigned building layouts which contained electrical cabinets. With help of this analysis, we have developed procedures that can be performed at the faculty and are suitable for other similar public and private buildings. Soft measures are processes that users can implement themselves and contribute to lower energy consumption. We wrote what are the possible measures to regulate the heating station and what measures for the rooms. We wrote measures that would contribute to the improvement of air quality and a more optimal temperatures in the rooms without an excessive use of heating through the heating station. To determine the energy consumption costs of the faculty, Information system and Energy accounting system were established. A draft of Quality manual was made, which defines duties and persons who must perform these duties. Users often do not know what the procedures for the reduction of energy consumption are. That is why information courses are needed for employees, so that they get enough information to perform these procedures

Keywords:Energy efficiency, energy policy, energy consumption, cost reduction, soft measures, heating, ventilation and air conditioning

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