
Reprezentacije učiteljev o romskih učencih : doktorska disertacija
ID Kosmač, Sabina (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Doktorska naloga se ukvarja z vprašanjem, kako se v diskurzu in skozi diskurz konstruira in reprezentira podoba o učencih Romih in njihovih (vzgojno)izobraževalnih potrebah. Teoretična izhodišča zajemajo spoznanja o realnem in imaginarnem položaju Romov, ki skozi različne diskurze ustvarja negativno podobo te skupine. Položaj in specifike romske skupnosti pri nas neobhodno vplivajo tudi na izobraževanje teh učencev. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni dejavniki in ovire, ki vplivajo na njihovo izobraževanje. V empiričnem delu naloga podrobneje osvetli enega temeljnih dejavnikov, ki vpliva na vključevanje in uspehe romskih učencev v izobraževanju – učitelja. Zanimale so me reprezentacije, ki se o romskih učencih in njihovih izobraževalnih potrebah konstruirajo med učitelji in ki do sedaj še niso bile predmet raziskav na področju socialne pedagogike. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako se v izbranem obdobju od leta 1991 do 2014 v diskurzu in skozi diskurz reprezentira podoba o učencih Romih in njihovih izobraževalnih potrebah v strokovnih revijah, katerih avtorji so pretežno učitelji. Kot orodje analize je bila uporabljena kritična diskurzivna analiza. Med učitelji sem s pomočjo intervjujev reprezentacije o romskih učencih odstirala tudi v praksi in jih primerjala z rešitvami uradnega dokumenta, ki ureja področje vzgoje in izobraževanja Romov pri nas. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da se učitelji čutijo za (ne)uspeh romskih učencev osebno odgovorni. Učitelji pa sodelujejo tudi pri oblikovanju in vzdrževanju nekaterih reprezentacij, ki so o Romih prisotne v medijih in širši javnosti. Diskurz o Romih se v prispevkih ustvarja skozi teme (nižjega) socialno-ekonomskega položaja, (ne)znanja jezika, organizacijskih oblik dela, staršev romskih otrok in posebnosti romskih učencev. V vseh analiziranih letih je v prispevkih ključno poudarjanje in prepričanost v drugačnost Romov in hkrati odsotno kakršnokoli navajanje ali iskanje podobnosti med (njihovo) romsko in (našo) večinsko kulturo. Reprezentacije, ki se ustvarjajo o romskih učencih, pa kažejo tudi na pripisovanje nekaterih vzgojno-izobraževalnih potreb ali specifik tem učencem, ki jih ne moremo neposredno vezati le na jezikovno znanje.

Keywords:kritična diskurzivna analiza, šolanje romskih učencev
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Kosmač Brezar]
Number of pages:257 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86610 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11255625 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Teachers´ representations of Roma students
The dissertation deals with the issue of how the image of Roma students and their educational needs are being formed represented in and through discourse. Theoretical premises include findings on the real and imaginary situation of Roma people that through different discourses creates negative images on this group. The situation and specifics of the Romany community in Slovenia unavoidably affect also the education of Roma students. In the theoretical part of the dissertation I have presented factors and obstacles that form the framework for education of Roma students. In the empirical part the dissertation presents in detail one of the fundamental factors that influences the integration of Roma students and their success in the educational process - the teacher. I was interested in the teachers’ perceptions of Roma students and their educational needs, as these perceptions were not yet researched in the field of social pedagogy. The aim of the dissertation was to find out how in the period between 1991 and 2014 the image of Roma students and their educational needs was being presented in and through discourse in academic magazines, whose authors are mainly teachers. The analysis was carried out with the help of critical discourse analysis. I interviewed teachers-practitioners and through their answers I uncovered the perceptions of Roma students. I compared those perceptions to the solutions of the formal document that regulates the field of education of Roma students in Slovenia. The findings show that teachers feel personally responsible for the failures and successes of Roma students. Teachers also have an important role in forming and maintaining some perceptions of Roma people that are present also in mass media and in the public. The discourse on Roma people in articles is being formed through subjects of (lower) economic status, language knowledge or lack of knowledge, organizational forms of work, parents of Roma students and characteristics of Roma students. Throughout the analysed period the articles emphasize and express the belief in the differentness of Roma people; however, they do not mention or search for similarities between (their) Romany and (our) majority culture. Perceptions of Roma students also show that these students are being attributed educational needs or specifics that cannot be directly linked only to language knowledge.

Keywords:teacher, Romany language, primary school, Slovenija, učitelj, romski jezik, osnovna šola

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