
Obravnava pripovedništva in pesništva Petra Svetine v prvem triletju : diplomsko delo
ID Testen, Nives (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v teoretičnem delu predstavlja mladinskega pesnika in pisatelja Petra Svetino, njegovo biografijo (s poudarkom na avtopoetiki) in bibliografijo. Obravnava področja literarne teorije, ki so pomembna za vrednotenje njegovih del, in njihovo umeščanje v koncept mladinske književnosti. Podrobneje predstavlja umetnostna besedila, ki so bila v okviru diplomskega dela obravnavana z učenci 2. razreda: pesniški zbirki Mimosvet in Pesmi iz pralnega stroja ter pripovedna dela O mrožku, ki si ni hotel striči nohtov, Mrožek dobi očala, Klobuk gospoda Konstantina, Modrost nilskih konjev, Kako je Jaromir iskal srečo in Čudežni prstan. V raziskovalnem delu prikazuje primere šolskih interpretacij izbranih besedil, poustvarjalno delo učencev, njihove odzive, opis raziskave o poznavanju pesnika in pisatelja Petra Svetine in rezultate raziskave. Predstavi tudi kriterije, po katerih učenci prvega triletja OŠ Nove Fužine izbirajo literaturo za branje. Ugotovili smo, da učenci pred obravnavo niso poznali avtorja. Pri izbiranju učenci prvega triletja naše šole knjige oziroma književna dela dojemajo celostno, kar je tudi namen ustvarjalcev. Prednost dajejo književnim likom živali, vendar se z ustrezno pripravo vživijo in identificirajo tudi z odraslimi književnimi junaki.

Keywords:Peter svetina, interpretacija besedil
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Testen]
Number of pages:V, 75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86605 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11254089 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
TESTEN, Nives, 2016, Obravnava pripovedništva in pesništva Petra Svetine v prvem triletju : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. N. Testen. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:A discusdion of prose and poetry by Peter Svetina in the first triennium
The theoretical part of my diploma work deals with a poet and writer Peter Svetina, his biography ( with emphasis on autopoethics) and his bibliography. It deals with a literary theory which is important for evaluation of his works and their placement into the concept of children's literature. In a more detailed way, it presents the literary texts which I discussed together with the pupils of the second class for my diploma work. These texts are poetry anthologies such as The Passing-By World, Poems From The Washing Machine and literary texts such as About The Walrus That Didn't Want To Cut Its Nails, The Walrus Gets Glasses, The Hat Of Mr. Constantine, The Wisdom Of Hippos, How Jaromir Was Looking For Happiness and the Magic Ring. The research part of my diploma work deals with the examples of pupils' interpretations of the chosen texts, the creative works of the pupils themselves and their responses, the description of the knowledge survey about the poet and writer Peter Svetina and research results. It also introduces criteria of texts selection for reading by the pupils of the first three classes of the Primary School Nove Fužine. It has been found out that our pupils didn't know the author Peter Svetina beforehand. Our pupils from the first three classes deal with books and literary works in an integrated way and that's exactly the purpose of the author. Our pupils' emphasis is on the animal characters in literature but with the appropriate preparation they can identify themselves with adult characters in literature as well.

Keywords:children's and youth literature, primary education, mladinska književnost, osnovnošolski pouk

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