
Preseganje stereotipov in predsodkov skozi večkulturnost v ljudskih pravljicah : magistrsko delo
ID Sadar Šoba, Nataša (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kako z uporabo ljudskih pravljic spodbujamo preseganje stereotipov in predsodkov ter osveščamo in poučujemo učence večkulturnosti, prepoznave pomena lastne kulture ter posebnosti, ki v svojem razločevanju predstavljajo stičišče kultur. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen pojem ljudska pravljica, tako značilnosti kot memetika, poti širitve pravljic, motivika v pravljicah in zgodovina raziskovanja pravljic ter večkulturnost kot del književnosti, učnih načrtov in beril. Empirični del obsega študijo primera, projekt Gradimo mostove, ki je potekal na Osnovni šoli Vodmat in Osnovni šoli Vide Pregarc v Ljubljani. Osnovni model poučevanja je slonel na izsledkih Jacka Zipesa, ki je v Združenih državah Amerike zasnoval projekt Neighborhood Bridges, pri nas pa smo ga poimenovali Medsoseski mostovi. Zanimala nas je združljivost projektov, ali je možno prek pravljic pridobiti znanja o različnih kulturah in kakšni so načini, ki to omogočajo, ali učenci tako lažje sprejemajo drugačnost in sebe ter razvijajo empatijo, s tem pa posledično presegajo stereotipe in predsodke. Pri analizi učnih načrtov za slovenščino iz let 1984, 1998 in 2011 smo ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike med vsemi tremi dokumenti tako v ciljih kot količini ljudskih pravljic in možnostih za medkulturno poučevanje. Število predpisanih književnih enot ljudskih pravljic od leta 1984 do leta 2011 pada. Učni načrt iz leta 2011 je povzetek učnega načrta iz leta 1998, saj bistvene nadgradnje pri vključevanju ljudskih pravljic pri pouku slovenščine ni, pravljice so celo degradirane, programske vsebine iz leta 1984 pa so načrtno pozabljene. Seznam ljudskih pravljic iz leta 1984 je bogatejši in pestrejši, medtem ko sta si seznama v učnih načrtih iz let 1998 in 2011 praktično identična. Analiza beril je pokazala nekaj odstopanj med berili posameznih založb (DZS, Izolit, Mladinska knjiga, Modrijan in Rokus), problem pa je v celotnem učnem načrtu, saj je ljudskih pravljic, še posebej tujih, premalo. Projekt Gradimo mostove je v petih letih izvajanja (od leta 2007 do leta 2012) na Osnovni šoli Vodmat sprožil pozitivne spremembe pri učencih tako na področju poznavanja lastne in tujih kultur kot sprejemanju sebe, drugih, različnosti ter preko empatičnega vživljanja prehajanje k večji strpnosti. Ker je raziskava potekala na majhnem vzorcu, je ni mogoče posploševati, zastavlja pa se vprašanje, ali bi bilo mogoče tovrsten projekt zastaviti širše, na večjem vzorcu učencev, ali ga morda celo vključiti v redno pedagoško prakso.

Keywords:ljudske pravljice, predsodki, večkulturnost, bralna pismenost
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Sadar Šoba]
Number of pages:143 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86600 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11255113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Overcoming stereotypes and prejudice through multiculturality in folk tales
In this thesis, we investigated how the use of folk tales encourages the overcoming of stereotypes and prejudices, how to raise awareness and teach pupils about multiculturality, how to recognize the importance of their own culture and specificities, which in their diversity represent the crossroads of cultures. The theoretical part presents the concept of folk tale, features, memetics, route expansion fairy tales, motifs, the history of the exploration of fairy tales, and multiculturality as part of the literature curricula and reading books. The empirical part presents the case study, a project Gradimo mostove (Building bridges), which took place at Vodmat Primary school and Vide Pregarc Primary school in Ljubljana. The basic model of teaching was based on the findings of Jack Zipes’ project in the United States of America, Neighborhood Bridges. We were interested in the compatibility of the two models and researched whether it is possible to gain knowledge about different cultures through fairy tales, what the ways are to make this possible, if students easily accept diversity and themselves, develop empathy, and consequently, overcome stereotypes and prejudices. Slovenia's entry into the European Union took the directive to multiculturality, intercultural integration, but in school practice deviations are found from the general principles and commitments. When analyzing the curricula of 1984, 1998 and 2011 for the Slovene language, we found that there are differences between all three documents in both, the goals and the quantity of folk tales and opportunities for intercultural teaching. In comparison with the number of prescribed literary units from 1984 to 2011, the amount of folk tales decreased. The Curriculum of 2011 is a summary of the curriculum of 1998, there is no upgrade in the integration of folk tales; folk tales are even downgraded, and the proposed tales in the Program of 1984 are deliberately forgotten. The list of folk tales from 1984 is richer and more varied while the tales in the curricula of 1998 and 2011 are identical. The analysis of books showed some variations between individual publishers (DZS, IZOLIT, Mladinska knjiga, Modrijan and Rokus), but the problem is in the whole curriculum because there is a lack of folk tales, especially foreign ones. For five years (from 2007 to 2012), the project Building bridges at Vodmat Primary school has triggered positive changes in the students’ field of knowledge of their own and foreign cultures as well as the acceptance of self, others, diversity and tolerance evolved through empathy. Since the survey was conducted on a small sample, it is not possible to generalize, but it raises the question of whether it would be possible to develop a more widespread project, on a large sample of pupils or whether it may even be incorporated into regular educational practice.

Keywords:fairy tale, stereotype, pravljica, stereotip

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