
Spodbujanje zaposlovanja in karierna orientacija brezposelnih oseb : doktorska disertacija
ID Grcić, Denis (Author), ID Zorc-Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rapuš-Pavel, Jana (Comentor)

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V doktorski disertaciji smo predstavili koncept dela, ki je temeljna človekova pravica in tradicionalna vrednota v naši kulturi in brezposelnost, ki se je v zadnjih letih zaradi gospodarske recesije, sprememb v industriji in na trgu delovne sile, povečevala. Izpostavili smo tudi psihosocialne posledice, s katerimi se soočajo brezposelne osebe. Posvetili smo se nekaterim ukrepom države za zmanjševanje brezposelnosti, predvsem pa aktivni politiki zaposlovanja in vseživljenjski karierni orientaciji brezposelnih oseb in drugih iskalcev zaposlitve. V empiričnem delu doktorske disertacije smo predstavili evalvacijo projekta »Spodbujanje zaposlovanja dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb 2009–2010«, ki se je izvajal v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov za obdobje 2007–2013. Projekt je potekal v okviru Ministrstva za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti in Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje. Namen projekta je bil spodbujanje zaposlovanja dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb s pomočjo subvencije za zaposlitev za polni delovni čas za obdobje 18 mesecev. Cilj projekta je bil vključevanje dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb v ukrepe aktivne politike zaposlovanja z namenom izboljšanja komunikacijskih in socialnih veščin, zaposlitvenih možnosti, odpravljanja ovir pri iskanju zaposlitve, pridobivanja dodatnih znanj, veščin, spretnosti ali delovnih izkušenj, pa tudi veščin vodenja kariere in zagotavljanje strokovne pomoči pri vodenju kariere. V naši raziskavi vzorec zajame 113 dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb, od tega 35 moških in 78 žensk. Izstopajo anketiranci stari 31 let, polovica anketirancev je bila starih 34 let ali manj. Povprečna starost anketirancev je bila 37 let. Glede na izobrazbeno strukturo sestavlja naš vzorec 44,2 % anketirancev z univerzitetno izobrazbo, najmanj 0,9 % jih ima specializacijo, prvo bolonjsko stopnjo in nižjo poklicno izobrazbo. Na ravni terciarnega izobraževanja izstopajo predvsem »Družbene ter poslovne, upravne in pravne vede«, med njimi pa najbolj ekonomija, nato sledita politologija in pravo. Pri tem čas trajanja brezposelnosti ni povezan z ravnjo izobrazbe. V raziskavi ugotavljamo, da osebe ženskega spola pri zaposlovanju dajejo v povprečju višjo oceno pomembnosti vlogi spola kot osebe moškega spola. Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da se glede na čas prijave v evidenco brezposelnih oseb na ZRSZ dolgotrajno brezposelne osebe predvsem soočajo z negativno samopodobo in opredeljevanjem svojega položaja na hierarhični družbeni lestvici. Pomoč, ki jo potrebujejo dolgotrajno brezposelne osebe pri karierni orientaciji, se predvsem nanaša na informacije o izobraževanju za drugi poklic. Ugotavljamo tudi, da so vse osebe iz našega vzorca, ki so bile vključene v usposabljanje na delovnem mestu v okviru projekta »Spodbujanje zaposlovanja dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb 2009–2010«, pridobile subvencijo za zaposlitev za obdobje 18 mesecev in so imele večjo možnost za pridobitev zaposlitve v prihodnosti v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso bile vključene v projekt. Pri tem izpostavljamo še širitev socialne mreže in pridobitev kompetenc.

Keywords:psihosocialne posledice, vseživljenjska karierna orientacija, aktivna politika zaposlovanja
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[D. Grcić]
Number of pages:XV, 279 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86593 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11254345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:promotion of employment and career guidance of unemployed persons
The doctoral thesis deals with the concept of work as a traditional value in our culture and a basic human right on one hand, and the concept of unemployment, which has been increasing in the recent years as one of the consequences of the functioning of the labour market, due to the economic recession, changes in industry and changes on the labour market. To understand the issue of unemployment more profoundly, the importance of the social capital, social network and the concept of self-efficiency are introduced in this thesis. Within these concepts, the psycho-social consequences unemployed persons deal with and some government measures to reduce unemployment are presented. Some of these measures are active employment policy and career guidance for the unemployed. The empirical part of the thesis presents the evaluation of the project »The Promotion of the Employment of the Long-term Unemployed Persons 2009–2010«, which was taking place within the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for the period 2007–2013. The partners of the project were the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Employment Service of Slovenia. The aim of the project was to increase the employment of long-term unemployed persons with the help of full-time employment subsidy for the period of 18 months, and thus promote the outflow from the target group back into employment. The goal of the project was to include the long-term unemployed into the active employment policy measures with the aim to improve their communication and social skills, increase employment opportunities, eliminate obstacles when searching for work, acquire additional knowledge, skills and working experience, and also those skills which might prove to be helpful at lifelong career guidance and ensuring professional help in this field. The sample in our research encompassed 113 long-term unemployed persons, of which 35 were men and 78 were women. In the research the majority of the interviewees were 31 years old, while half of them were aged 34 or less. The average age of interviewees was a bit above 37. As regards the educational structure, 44.2 % held a university degree, however, least of them, namely 0.9 %, had specialisation, the first Bologne level and lower vocational education. On the level of tertiary education, predominate social sciences, followed by business science, law and administration science, and within them the field »economy« stands out, followed by »political science and law«. In this context, the duration of unemployment is not connected to the level of education, meaning that the lower educational level does not consequently lead to longer unemployment period. The research also establishes that female interviewees put more emphasis on the importance of gender itself than male interviewees do. The results of the research show that, in regards with the time of registration at the Employment Service of Slovenia, long-term unemployed population mainly struggles with low self-esteem and determination of their position in the social hierarchy. The assistance required by the long-term unemployed persons mainly consists in providing the information on the education for another profession. It is further established that all persons in our sample who were included in the on-the-job training within the project »The Promotion of the Employment of Long-term Unemployed Persons 2009–2010, obtained the employment subsidy for the period of 18 months and thus had more possibilities to get a job in the future, as compared to those who were not included in the project. The spread of social network and new competencies are also stressed out.

Keywords:unemployed, career, employment policy, nezaposleni, poklicna pot, zaposlovalna politika

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