
Tekmovanje za Preglovo priznanje iz kemije kot oblika zunanjega vrednotenja znanja
ID Blatnik, Melita (Author), ID Glažar, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3956/ This link opens in a new window

Tekmovanje iz znanja kemije, ki letos obeležuje že 50. obletnico, je pomembna oblika zunanjega vrednotenja znanja kemije, ki z opravljeno evalvacijo nudi objektivne informacije o kvaliteti in količini znanja kemije v osnovni šoli. Z vrednotenjem znanja učencem sporočamo, kaj naj se naučijo, kako naj se učijo in kako kakovostno znanje se od njih pričakuje. Pomembne informacije pa dobi tudi učitelj, ki mora preko znanja in veščin, ki jih osvojijo njegovi učenci, evalvirati svoje poučevanje in delo v razredu, ga kritično ovrednotiti ter ga stalno izboljševati. V uvodnem delu je podana teoretična opredelitev področij vrednotenja znanja s poudarkom na zunanjem vrednotenju. Med oblike zunanjega preverjanja znanja kemije v osnovni šoli v Sloveniji sodijo nacionalno preverjanje znanja, mednarodno preverjanje znanja TIMSS in tekmovanje iz znanja kemije za Preglovo priznanje. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati analize rešenih tekmovalnih preizkusov znanja 49. državnega tekmovanju iz kemije za Preglovo priznanje v letu 2015. Ugotovljena so bila vsebinska področja, ki so jih učenci dobro osvojili, in področja, kjer imajo težave oziroma je pogosto napačno razumevanje pojmov. Predstavljene so najpogostejše napake pri odgovorih in možni vzroki za te ter uspešnost reševanja glede na taksonomsko stopnjo. Analiza je pokazala, da je znanje kemije dobro, da pa imajo učenci največ težav pri povezovanju znanja in njegovi uporabi v novih situacijah. Marsikdaj so razlog za napake težave z razumevanjem prebranega, nedoslednost pri upoštevanju navodil in nenatančnost učencev. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov smo podali predloge za izboljšanje poučevanja kemije.

Keywords:vrednotenje znanja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86563 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11251785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:A chemistry competition for Pregl's certificate as a form of an external evaluation of knowledge
The chemistry competition, which marks the 50th anniversary this year, is an important form of external evaluation of chemistry knowledge, which with its evaluation offers objective information about the quality and quantitiy of chemistry knowledge in primary school. With the evaluation of knowledge we inform the students what to learn, how to learn and what quality of knowledge we expect from them. At the same time, the teacher gets important information about the students' knowledge. The teacher has to evaluate his or her teaching through the knowledge and skills which the students assimilate. The teacher has to evaluate his own work critically and has to be prepared to improve it constantly. In the introduction, a theoretical definition of the fields of evaluation, with the emphasis on external evaluation, is given. Among the forms of external evaluation of chemistry knowledge in primary school in Slovenia belong: the National evaluation of knowledge, the International knowledge testing TIMSS and the Chemistry competition for Pregl's certificate. In the empirical part, the results of the analysis of solved 49th national chemistry competition tests for Pregl's certificate 2015, are introduced. The contents fields which were learnt well and the ones which were solved wrong or there were mistakes or misunderstanding of tasks by the students, were established. The most common mistakes and possible reasons for them and the successfulness according to taxonomy level, are presented. The analysis showed that the knowledge of chemistry is good, but students have problems with integration of knowledge and its usage in new situations. In many cases, the reason for mistakes are in understanding of what they read, the misunderstanding of instructions and inaccuracy of students. Based on these results we gave suggestions for improving teaching.

Keywords:evaluation of knowledge

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