
Interakcija med fotografijo in kolažem v slikarstvu in kiparstvu : diplomsko delo
ID Podlogar, Anja (Author), ID Selan, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3941/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu raziščem odnos med fotografijo in kolažem, saj sta se ti dve umetniški smeri v modernizmu začeli prepletati in povezovati. Sčasoma sta se zlili v eno kot ena izmed novih tehnik dvajsetega stoletja. Interakcijo med fotografijo in kolažem obravnavam na slikarskem in kiparskem področju, od obdobja izuma fotografije pa vse do danes. Obravnavano tematiko razdelim na dva dela, na likovnoteoretični in likovnopraktični. V likovnoteoretičnem delu najprej na kratko opišem izum fotografije, nato pa se posvetim umetniški fotografiji in temu, kako si je pridobila status umetnosti. Po dolgih letih neodobravanja in prilagajanja dominantnemu slikarstvu je ob začetku dvajsetega stoletja postala ena od umetniških zvrsti, izum fotoaparata pa je krepko spremenil tudi slikarstvo in kiparstvo. Kubizem je umetnosti omogočil nov pogled na svet, prav tako je vnesel v umetniška dela nove, netradicionalne materiale. Rodil se je kolaž, z dadaizmom pa fotomontaža. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela se osredotočim na umetnike, ki v svojih delih prepletajo fotografijo in kolaž tako na slikarskem kot na kiparskem področju. Opišem njihov način dela in analiziram njihova umetniška dela. Zajamem populacijo umetnikov od začetka dvajsetega stoletja pa vse do sodobne umetnosti. S tem razponom želim prikazati razvoj izraznih možnosti fotografije v kolažu. V likovnopraktičnem delu se tudi sama posvetim likovnim lastnostim kolaža in fotografije. Z lastnimi likovnimi deli sem poglobila dojemanje teoretičnega dela in po inspiraciji nekaterih umetnikov sem ustvarila slikarska ter kiparska dela.

Keywords:kolaž, fotokolaž, fotomontaža, sodobna umetnost, modernizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Podlogar]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86548 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11244105 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The interaction between photography and collage in painting and sculpture
In this thesis I am researching the correlation between photography and collage, as this two art movements started to combine and interwine in modernism. Over time they fused together and became one of the techniques of the twentieth century. I am researching the interaction between photography and collage in the fields of painting and sculpture from the invention of photoghraphy to the present day. I divide my thesis into two parts, into art theory and art practice. In the first part I briefly describe the invention of photography and then focus on artistic photography and how it became an art form. After years of disapproval and adjusting to the dominant painting it established itself as one of the art forms at the beginning of the twentieth century. The invention of camera also changed painting and sculpture. Cubism enabled art a new perception of the world and brought new, unconventional materials into the works of art. We got collage and later, with Dadaism, photomontage. In the second part of art theory I focuse on artists, who combine potography and collage in their works in the fields of painting and sculpture. I describe their way of work and analyse their works of art. I include artists from the beginning of the twentieth century up to the contemporary art. With this wide spectrum I try to depict the development of expressive possibilities of photography in collage. In the second part of my thesis, in art practice, I focus on art characteristics of collage and photography. By drawing the inspiration from some of the artists mentioned, I created my own paintings and sculptures and this way deepened my understanding of the theoretical part.

Keywords:photography, art, fotografija, umetnost

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