
Analiza učinka vlaganj in ukrepov na prometno varnost na glavnih in reg. državnih cestah v RS : magistrsko delo
ID Detellbach, Simon (Author), ID Žura, Marijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 197F3002A7559F0AFC31C8A30987E1C4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/15028fd6-dc9f-4ae8-b8ee-18b347dfd092

V Republiki Sloveniji se je prometna varnost v zadnjem obdobju bistveno izboljšala. Še posebej velik korak je bil narejen od izgradnje in odprtja vseh odsekov primarnega slovenskega avtocestnega križa. Vzporedno z izgradnjo novih avtocestnih odsekov se je preplastilo in rekonstruiralo veliko število državnih glavnih in regionalnih cest. Številna križišča po Sloveniji so bila preoblikovana v krožna križišča in izgrajene so bile prenekatere obvoznice. Prometna varnost in zmanjševanje smrtnih žrtev ter ostalih posledic prometnih nesreč se je izboljševala iz leta v leto. K temu so pripomogli tudi novi, bolj varni avtomobili, večja ozaveščenost voznikov in deloma tudi finančna kriza, ki je zmanjšala prometne obremenitve na številnih cestah (razlogi: varčevanje in visoki stroški goriva). Svoj delež so prispevale tudi strožje kazni za kršitelje cestnoprometnih predpisov in številni preventivni ukrepi. Vsa dejstva skupaj so pozitivno vplivala na trende prometne varnosti. Kakšen je delež posameznega ukrepa in/ali aktivnosti na določeni cesti ali odseku, je zelo težko določiti. Določeni ukrepi imajo kratkotrajne posledice, določeni imajo trajen vpliv na prometno varnost. Nemalokrat se na cesti ali odseku ceste istočasno izvaja več ukrepov, zato je učinek posameznega ukrepa praktično nemogoče ugotoviti ali predvideti. Magistrsko delo se koncentrira na analiziranje vpliva učinka vlaganj na prometno varnost na glavnih in regionalnih cestah v RS. Postavljena je hipoteza, da je število prometnih nesreč neposredno povezano s količino finančnih sredstev, ki so investirana v določeno cesto ali odsek.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, prometna varnost, investicije, analiza vlaganj
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Detellbach]
Number of pages:XXVIII, 93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86475 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7724641 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Investment and measures impact analysis on traffic safety on regional and national roads in Slovenia
In Slovenia, the traffic safety in recent years has improved significantly, especially after the construction of the Slovenian motorway cross. Meanwhile, several main and regional roads have been reconstructed or resurfaced, several bypass roads have been built and several intersections have been reconstructed into roundabouts. Road safety and reduction in casualties are improving from year to year. Other contributing factors to this reduction include safer cars, increased awareness of drivers and partly the financial crisis, which has reduced the amount of traffic volumes on many roads due to saving and high fuel costs. Furthermore, stiffer penalties for violations of traffic regulations and a number of preventive measures also contributed to the safety improvements. All the factors together have a positive impact on traffic safety trends. It is very difficult to quantify the value of each factor on any particular road or section. Certain measures have short-term benefits, whilst others have a lasting impact on road safety. Often there are two or more safety measures being implemented at the same time, so that the effect of any single measure is often virtually impossible to identify or predict. The master thesis is concerned with assessing the impact of financial investments on traffic safety of the main and regional roads in Slovenia. My hypothesis is that the number of traffic accidents is directly related to the amount of funds that are invested in a road or section.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, traffic safety, investment, measures impact analysis

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