
Računalniška igra s fiziološko povratno zanko
ID PAHOR, ALEŠ (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/efe00950-2beb-4e17-9068-e13c7668aac7

Merjenje psihofizioloških parametrov se že dolgo časa uporablja na najrazličnejših področjih. Dokazano je, da se fiziološki parametri, kot so frekvenca srčnega utripa, krvni tlak, temperatura kože in drugo, spreminjajo glede na psihološko stanje posameznika, ki je korelirano z aktivnostjo avtonomnega živčnega sistema. Eno od področij, na katerem se merjenja fizioloških parametrov vse bolj uveljavljajo, je tudi dizajniranje in programiranje igric. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, če je možno sprogramirati računalniško igro, ki bi se prilagajala fiziološkemu stanju igralca. Za fiziološki parameter sem vzel prevodnost kože, ki sem ga meril s pomočjo merilnika Švicmiš. Vrednosti prevodnosti kože bi igra interpretirala na način, da bi spreminjala stopnjo težavnosti, da bi bilo igralcu bolj udobno. V prvem delu diplome sem opisal fiziološko povratno zanko, načine merjenja prevodnosti kože, strukturo kože in karakteristično obliko EDA signala po dražljaju. V drugem delu sem opisal programiranje same igre. Opisal sem igro, merilnik prevodnosti kože in programski jezik, v katerem je igra napisana. Potem sem opisal način branja zajetih vrednosti v sami programski kodi in metodo, po kateri sem preizkusil samo igro. V tretjem delu sem ovrednotil delovanje Šviczid igre z grafičnimi prikazi in opisal probleme, s katerimi sem se soočil. Igro sem ovrednotil pri surovem, vzorčenem in filtriranem signalu. Ovrednotenje je pokazalo, da igra pod določenimi pogoji deluje dobro, pod drugimi pogoji pa ne. Na koncu sem podal splošno oceno in opisal možnosti izboljšav.

Keywords:fiziološka povratna zanka, prevodnost kože, računalniška igra, merilnik prevodnosti Švicmiš, programski jezik Python
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86444 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Computer game with physiological feedback
Measuring of psychophysiological parameters has been used in various fields for a long time. It has been demonstrated that the physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and others, vary according to the psychological state of the individual, which is correlated with the activity of the autonomic nervous system. One of the areas where the measurements of physiological parameters is gaining ground, is also designing and programming games. The main purpose of this study was to determine if it is possible to program a computer game, which would be adapted to the physiological condition of the player. For physiological parameter I took the conductivity of the skin, which I measured by means of a gauge Švicmiš. Conductivity value of the skin would then be interpreted by a game in a manner to vary the level of difficulty, so the player would be more comfortable. In the first part of the diploma, I describe the physiological feedback loop, ways of measuring the conductivity of the skin, skin structure and the characteristic shape of the EDA signal after the stimulus. In the second part, I described the programming of the game. I have described the computer game, the conductivity meter and the programming language in which the game is written. Then I described the way of reading the values in the program code itself and a method by which I have tested the game. In the third part , I evaluate how Šviczid game worked with graphic presentation and described the problems that I have faced . The game was evaluated with usage of raw, sampled and filtered signal. Evaluation has shown that the game under certain conditions, it works well , and other conditions does not. In the end I made a general assessment and described possibilities of improvements .

Keywords:physiological feedback loop, skin conductance, computer game, conductivity meter Švicmiš, programming language Python

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