
Razumevanje difuzije in osmoze pri bodočih profesorjih biologija
ID Slanc, Ana (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3926/ This link opens in a new window

Difuzija in osmoza sta pomembna koncepta za razumevanje bioloških, kemijskih in fizikalnih procesov ter se pojavljata tako pri pouku v osnovni šoli, kot v vsakdanjem življenju. Z analizo učnih načrtov naravoslovnih predmetov v osnovni šoli smo ugotovili, da sta koncepta difuzije in osmoze posredno ali neposredno prisotna v učnih načrtih od prvega do devetega razreda. Ravno zato je pomembno, da bodoči učitelji dobro razumejo oba pojma, saj s tem omogočajo boljše razumevanje pri učencih. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali razumevanje difuzije in osmoze pri študentih biologije prvih in zaključnih letnikov. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako lahko z izvedbo različnih dejavnosti vplivamo na njihovo razumevanje. Prikazali smo različne demonstrativne poskuse za difuzijo z dišečo svečko, barvilom, medvedki, agarjem in osmozo s krompirjem, jajcem, animacijo ter plazmolizo, pri katerih so lahko sodelovali tudi študenti. Bodoči učitelji biologije so izvedli preizkus znanja (test pred poskusi in test po poskusih), vprašalnik ter delovni list. Z zbranimi rezultati smo ugotovili, da se med študenti prvih in zaključnih letnikov pojavljajo razlike v razumevanju procesov difuzije in osmoze. Študentje zaključnih letnikov bolje razumejo procesa kot študentje prvih letnikov. Prav tako smo prišli do zaključka, da lahko s pomočjo izvedenih dejavnosti vplivamo na raven znanja študentov obeh letnikov o procesih difuzije in osmoze. Na testu po poskusih so študentje prvega in zaključnega letnika dosegli višje število točk kot na testu pred poskusi. Rezultate smo preverili tudi ločeno za prve in zaključne letnike. Za oba letnika velja enako – na testu pred poskusi so dosegli nižje število točk kot na testu po poskusih. Potrdimo lahko predvidevanje, ki trdi, da lahko s pomočjo različnih dejavnosti pozitivno vplivamo na raven znanja študentov o procesih difuzije in osmoze. Na znanje pa lahko vpliva tudi drugi sklop predmetov dvopredmetnega študija (kemija/gospodinjstvo). Na testu pred poskusi so se pri obeh letnikih bolje odrezali študentje z vezavo biologija-kemija. Na testu po poskusih so se pri prvih letnikih bolje izkazali študentje z vezavo kemija, pri zaključnih letnikih pa so boljše rezultate dosegli študentje študijske smeri biologija-gospodinjstvo. Preverili smo tudi katere predstavljene dejavnosti so študentom najbolj všeč, in ugotovili, da so študentje prvih letnikov izbrali za najbolj sporočilni poskus za difuzijo vajo z naslovom »Želatinasti medvedki,« pri osmozi pa vajo z naslovom »Jajce.« Zaključni letniki so pri dejavnostih za difuzijo največkrat izbrali vajo z naslovom »Dišeča palčka,« za osmozo pa so prav tako kot prvi letniki izbrali vajo »Jajce.« Poskusi so uporabni v pedagoški praksi, saj jih večina študentov ocenjuje kot nazorne, praktične in enostavne. Za poskuse prav tako ne potrebujemo veliko materiala ali večdnevne predpriprave, učenci pa lahko skoraj vse poskuse pripravijo doma. V raziskavi je sodelovalo majhno število študentov (22 študentov prvih letnikov in 14 študentov zaključnih letnikov), zato bi bilo smiselno raziskavo opraviti na večjem vzorcu, in ugotoviti, ali bi prišlo do enakih rezultatov. Večina poskusov je bila izvedenih s prikazom, zato bi lahko v prihodnje študentje opravili poskuse empirično.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86427 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11234889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Pre-service teachers' understanding of difussion and osmosis
Diffusion and osmosis are important concepts for understanding the processes, and occur both in primary school classrooms, as well as in everyday life. Through analyzing the curricula of science subjects in primary school, we found out that the concepts of diffusion and osmosis are directly or indirectly present in the curricula from the first to the ninth grade. That is why it is important that future teachers have a sufficient understanding of both concepts, since their knowledge is passed on to their students. In this master thesis we investigated the understanding of diffusion and osmosis with biology students in their first and final year of studies. We wanted to find out if carrying out various activities would influence their understanding. We carried out various demonstration experiments for diffusion (scented candle, dye, gummy bears, agar) and osmosis (potato, egg, animation, plasmolysis), in which students could also participate. Future biology teachers were asked to participate in examination (the before test and after test), filling out the questionnaire and worksheet. By analyzing the results, we found out that with students of the first and final year of studies differences in the understanding of the processes of diffusion and osmosis appear. Students of the final year have a better understanding of the processes as the first-year students. We have also come to a conclusion that the activities carried out to influence the level of students' knowledge of both processes of diffusion and osmosis indeed have an impact on the knowledge of students. At the test, students of the first and final year achieved better results on the before test than on the after test. The results were also checked separately for the first and final year students. For both groups of students, the same applies – a lower number of points was achieved at the before test than as the after test. We can hence confirm the hypothesis, which argues that through a variety of activities we can influence the level of students' knowledge about the processes of diffusion and osmosis. In addition, the other subject of studies also influences the level of knowledge (chemistry/home economics). For both groups, better results at the before test were achieved by students with biology-chemistry combination. Better results were achieved at the before test by first year students with chemistry as the second subject, with last year students better results were achieved by those that selected home economics as their second subject. We also checked which of the presented activities students liked best, and found that first year students selected diffusion exercise titled "Gummy bears" and with osmosis the exercise titled "Egg." Final year students most often chose "Incense" with diffusion, and with osmosis, the same as the first year students, chose the "Egg" exercise. Attempts proved to be useful in teaching practice, as most students assessed them as clear, practical and simple. We also do not need a lot of material or preparing beforehand, and students can make almost all experiments at home. The research involved a smaller number of students (22 first-year students and 14 students of the final year), it would perhaps be reasonable to carry out the research on a larger sample and determine whether the results are similar. Most experiments have been carried out as presentations, so in the future students could conduct their experiments empirically instead.


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