
Uporaba likovnih dejavnosti za pomoč žrtvam trpinčenja na delovnem mestu
ID Šarkanj, Daša (Author), ID Zaviršek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Selan, Jurij (Comentor)

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V specialističnem delu bom predstavila uporabo metod likovnih dejavnosti v skupini uporabnic/ -kov, ki so bili nadlegovani in trpinčeni na delovnem mestu. Psihološko in čustveno nasilje na delovnem mestu, ki obsega šikaniranje – namerno povzročanje nevšečnosti, neprijetnosti in trpinčenje, povzroča pri žrtvah posledice na telesnem in duševnem zdravju. Nekatere žrtve, ki se vsakodnevno soočajo s trpinčenjem na delovnem mestu, trpijo za t. i. posttravmatsko stresno motnjo, zakasnelim in podaljšanim odzivom na hude stresne dogodke. Z vpeljavo ekspresivnih likovnih tehnik v delo skupine za samopomoč naj bi uporabnicam/ -kom pomagala sprostiti nakopičena čustva in spregovoriti o doživetem nasilju, saj se spomini na travmatične dogodke shranjujejo drugače in jih težko prikličemo z besedami – pogovorom. Pomoč z umetnostjo daje možnost neverbalne komunikacije, žrtev se izrazi skozi likovni medij, pri čemer pa ni pomemben le izdelek, pač pa tudi sam proces ustvarjanja, med katerim žrtev pride v stik s svojimi najglobljimi čustvi. Z artikulacijo oblik in podob bomo spoznali njihovo izkušnjo doživljanja trpinčenja na delovnem mestu. Žrtve ob trpinčenju pridejo v stik z najrazličnejšimi čustvi, predvsem je v ospredju jeza, ki se odraža na različne načine, npr. kot občutek sramu, besa, agresije, nestrpnosti, ogroženosti, razdraženosti ipd., zato se osredotočam tudi na vprašanje, kako se jeza izraža v likovni obliki in kako le-to konstruktivno uporabiti za prekinitev z nasiljem oz. soočenjem z nasilnežem. Zanima me tudi, ali so trpinčenju bolj podvržene določene skupine oseb, glede na spol, starost, etničnost, stopnjo izobrazbe, prisotnost kroničnih obolenj ali hendikepa, ali je tako razmišljanje povsem stereotipno. Cilji specialističnega dela so usmerjeni v ohranjanje zdravja žrtve (sprostitev nakopičenih čustev v zaupnem okolju, boljše telesno počutje, izbira dolgoročnih rešitev namesto kajenja, zlorabe alkohola, pomirjeval, prenajedanja …), izboljšanje socializacije žrtve (nudenje podpore, izstop žrtve iz osamljenosti in izoliranosti), dvig osebne rasti (krepitev notranje moči in povrnitev samospoštovanja) ter v področji preventive in promocije zdravih odnosov na delovnem mestu. Kvalitativne metode, ki jih uporabim pri raziskovanju, so kvalitativni intervju, analiza nastale fokusne skupine po metodi snežne kepe ter likovna analiza dokumentov uporabnic/ -kov. Še posebej je pomembna metoda snežne kepe, ki omogoča odkrivanje »skrite populacije« žrtev trpinčenja na delovnem mestu, ki je v našem okolju pogost pojav, vendar žrtve, zaradi strahu, redko poiščejo pomoč. Čeprav gre samo za kratko znanstveno poročilo, ki temelji na majhnem vzorcu, pa je v našem okolju izjemno pomembno, saj je trpinčenje na delovnem mestu skrajen družbeni stresor, ki lahko posledično sproži celo vrsto stresnih dogodkov, v katere so vpleteni še ostali ljudje (še več zaposlenih, stranke, družinski člani žrtve ali napadalca, mediatorji in službe, ki nudijo pomoč idr.). Ker za preprečevanje trpinčenja na delovnem mestu ni nekih konkretnih rešitev, razen delovanja v smeri promocije in preventive, je pomembno, da tej tihi epidemiji namenimo še več pozornosti in študij.

Keywords:pomoč z umetnostjo
Work type:Specialist thesis
Typology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86150 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11223113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The use of art activities to help the victims of workplace mobbing
In the present specialist thesis I present the use of art activities in a group of clients, who have been harassed and bullied at work. Psychological and emotional violence at work, which involves hostility – intentionally causing inconvenience and maltreatment, causes in victims the consequences on the physical and mental health. Some of the victims, who are faced daily with mobbing at work, suffer from a so-called posttraumatic stress disorder, delayed and prolonged response to severe stressful events. With the introduction of expressive art techniques in the work of a self-help group, I try to help clients relax the accumulated emotions and talk about the violent experience, as memories of traumatic events are stored differently and are difficult to express in words – through conversation. Therapy through art gives the possibility of non-verbal communication, the victim can be expressed through the artistic medium, whereby it is not only the product that's important, but also the very process of creation, during which the victim comes into contact with his/her deepest emotion. Through the articulation of shapes and images we will recognize their experience of workplace harassment. Victims of the workplace violence come into contact with a variety of emotions, especially anger is at the forefront and is reflected in various ways, such as a sense of shame, rage, aggression, intolerance, threats, irritation etc., and also focuses on the issue of how to express anger in fine form and how to use it constructively to break with the violence or confrontation with the aggressors. I also wonder whether there exist certain categories of persons, who are more subjected to harrassment, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, education level, presence of chronic illness or disability, or is such thinking completely stereotyped. The objectives of the specialist thesis are aimed at maintaining the health (the release of accumulated feelings in a confidential environment, better physical well-being, choosing long-term solutions instead of smoking, alcohol or sedatives abuse, overeating …), improving socialization of victims (support, step out of isolation and exclusion), raising the personal growth (strengthening the inner self and improoving self-esteem) and in the area of prevention and promotion of healthy relationships in the workplace. Qualitative methods, which are used in the research, are qualitative interviews, analysis of the resulting focus group by the snowball method and artistic analysis of users documents. It is particularly important the snowball method, which allows the detection of »hidden population« of the workplace harrassment victims, which occurs often in our environment, but the victims rarely seek help because of fear. Even if this thesis leads only to a small scientific report, which is based on a small sample, it is extremely important in our environment, because workplace harrassment seems to be an extreme social stressor, which in turn can trigger a whole series of stressful events in which there are involved even other people (even more employees, customers, family members of the victim or the attacker, mediators and support services). There are no concrete solutions for solving the incidence of mobbing, but to act in the direction of promotion and prevention, so it's very important that we devote even more attention and studies to this silent epidemic.

Keywords:art therapy

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