
Nasilje med deklicami
ID Mitrović, Marija (Author), ID Zrim Martinjak, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja nasilje med deklicami ter primerjavo le-tega med tistimi v 5. razredu ter dekleti v 9. razredu. Teoretični del najprej izpostavi obdobje mladostništva, kakšne so njegove značilnosti ter kakšen je čustven in socialni razvoj mladostnika. Nato sledi podpoglavje, kjer je predstavljena razlika med spoloma. Sledi tema nasilje, ki ji je posvečeno celotno poglavje in zajema opredelitev nasilja, medvrstniško nasilje ter opis njegove oblike. Znotraj tega poglavja so opredeljene še raziskave v povezavi z nasiljem in deklicami ter katere oblike nasilja so značilne zanje. Zadnje podpoglavje pa izpostavi vprašanje, kaj lahko naredi šola v povezavi z nasiljem. Empirični del na podlagi kvantitativne raziskave predstavlja analizo podatkov o pojavu nasilja med deklicami, ki sem jih pridobila s pomočjo vprašalnikov, na katere je odgovorilo 208 deklic iz 5. ter 9. razreda, ti pa so bili razdeljeni na 5 osnovnih šol v Mariboru. Ugotavljam, da se pri deklicah iz 5. razreda največkrat pojavi oblika nasilja ignoriranje, pri deklicah iz 9. razreda pa se največkrat pojavlja širjenje lažnih govoric. Nasilje nad deklicami se največkrat dogaja znotraj šole, pri deklicah iz nižjega razreda je to učilnica, pri deklicah iz višjega razreda pa so to hodniki. Večina deklic iz 5. kot tudi iz 9. razreda bi povedala o nasilju, razlikujejo se le po tem, komu bi povedale. Deklice iz 5. razreda bi to povedale staršem, deklice iz 9. razreda pa sošolki.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11219017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Violence among girls
The thesis describes violence among girls and compares the violence among girls in the 5th grade and the ones in the 9th grade. In the theoretical part the era of adolescence is stressed out and the characteristics and adolescent’s emotional and social development are described. Next is a subchapter where the difference between the sexes is described. The next subject is violence to which a whole chapter is dedicated and it includes the definition of violence, peer violence and the description of violence forms. The subject, also important in this chapter, is the researches about the violence among girls and it’s distinctive forms. The last subchapter poses a question of what a school can do in connection with violence. Empirical part represents the analysis of information about violence occurrence among girls based on a quantitative research. I gathered information with the help of questionnaires that were answered by 208 girls in 5th and 9th grades from 5 elementary schools in Maribor. I found out that among girls in the 5th grade the most common form of violence is to ignore someone and among girls in the 9th grade the most common form is spreading false rumours. Violence among girls happens mostly in school. Girls from lower grades get bullied in the classroom and girls from higher grades in the hallways. Most of the girls from both grades are willing to talk about violence, the only difference is to whom they would tell about it. Girls from the 5th grade would tell it to their parents and girls from the 9th grade to a schoolmate.


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