
Omrežja za dostavo vsebin pri distribuciji spletnega videa
ID VIZJAK, BLAŽ (Author), ID Sodnik, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D493F00C2C16392562B9A6D0D0FFA2FC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/85ada976-bb7b-4b60-9385-21f18bc2510d

V današnjem času vedno več ljudi gleda spletne video vsebine, vendar ima splet omejeno pasovno širino in hitrost, zahteve uporabnikov pa so vedno večje. Za uspešno predvajanje video vsebin se vse pogosteje uporabljajo omrežja za dostavo vsebin, ki vsebino fizično približajo uporabniku. V magistrskem delu podrobneje obravnavamo različne vrste omrežij za dostavo vsebin in protokole za pretočno prenašanje video vsebin s prilagodljivo bitno hitrostjo, ki omogočajo neprekinjen ogled vsebin kljub nenehnemu spreminjanju zmogljivosti omrežja. Za merjenje učinkovitosti omrežja za dostavo vsebin smo na namestniški strežnik, ki se nahaja med odjemalcem in izvornim strežnikom, namestili programsko opremo Squid, ki omogoča predpomnenje vsebin. Na podlagi izvedenih meritev hitrosti prenosa video vsebin smo ugotovili, da uporaba namestniškega strežnika s predpomnjenjem omogoča trikrat hitrejše prenašanje vsebin, kar omogoča ogled video vsebin tudi v najboljši kakovosti z manjšim obhodnim časom, kljub veliki razdalji med izvornim strežnikom in odjemalcem. V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo izvedenih meritev potrdili ugotovitve teoretičnih izvlečkov in podkrepili našo osnovno tezo, da omrežje za dostavo vsebin izboljša prenos vsebin.

Keywords:omrežje za dostavo vsebin, predpomnenje, pretočne video vsebine, video na zahtevo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2016
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Title:Content delivery networks for the distribution of online video
Nowadays increasing number of people are watching video content online which has a limited bandwidth and speed but the users' demand is rising. In order to successfully play the video content, the use of content delivery networks, which bring the content physically closer to the user, is increasing. This master’s thesis is specifically concerning different types of content delivery networks and video streaming protocols with adaptive bitrate, which facilitate continuous viewing despite constant changes in network performance. To measure the effectiveness of the content delivery network we have installed software called Squid that enables caching of content on a proxy server located between the client and the origin server. Based on the performed measurements of transfer speed of video content, we established that the caching proxy server allowed content transfer three times faster than before, thus allowing viewing of video content in the best quality with smaller round trip time, notwithstanding the great distance between the origin server and the client. In the thesis, we confirmed the findings of theoretical abstracts with the help of measurements and supported our basic thesis that the content delivery network improved the transmission of content.

Keywords:Content Delivery Network, Caching, Video Streaming, Video On-Demand

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