
Problematika zavržene hrane v osnovnih šolah
ID Čufer, Sindis (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3869/ This link opens in a new window

Problematika zavržene hrane je v svetu vsako leto bolj aktualna. Pojavlja se tudi v osnovnih šolah. Z iskanjem rešitev je potrebno začeti pri najmlajših, zato sem v diplomskem delu poskusila ugotoviti, zakaj osnovnošolci ne pojedo vedno osnovnošolske malice ali kosila ter kako vsebina o prehrani v učnem načrtu vpliva na njihova stališča o zavrženi hrani. Zanima me tudi, ali šolski sistem z vključevanjem vsebin o prehrani učence zadostno ozavešča o tej problematiki ter zakaj je kljub vsem ukrepom za zmanjševanje količin zavržene hrane v zadnjem času ta problem v porasti. Uporabila sem deskriptivno in kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo. V raziskavo so bili zajeti učenci zadnjega triletja OŠ Draga Bajca Vipava (170 učencev in učenk), vodja kuhinje in načrtovalka prehrane. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci s postreženo hrano v šoli na splošno zadovoljni, saj menijo, da sta njena kvaliteta in okusnost dobri, zato jo tudi skoraj vedno pojedo do konca. Razlogi, zakaj hrane ne pojedo, so bolj ali manj odvisni od dneva. Včasih hrano pustijo na krožnikih, ker jim ni všeč, nimajo vedno dovolj časa, da jo pojedo do konca, ali pa je postrežene hrane preveč. Glede na to, da je ozaveščanje o zavrženi hrani v šolah vedno bolj v ospredju, so učenci o zavrženi hrani tudi primerno poučeni, zato je njihov odnos do hrane pozitiven in hrana zaradi nespoštovanja ne pristane v smeteh. Torej, če je hrana zavržena, je zaradi dnevnih, trenutnih razlogov, saj je ustreznost hrane težko vsakodnevno prilagoditi za vse učence.

Keywords:Zavržena hrana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86039 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11211849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Issue of food waste in primary schools
The issue of rejected food is becoming increasingly more topical. It is happening in the elementary schools too. Finding a solution must begin at the youngest. Therefore, in my thesis I tried to ascertain why the pupils do not always eat their snack or lunch and how the content on the nutrition influences their positions on rejected food. I am also interested if the school system sufficiently makes aware about this issue by including the contents on nutrition, and why this problem is increasing recently despite all the measures for diminishing the quantities of the rejected food. I used the descriptive and causal-non-experimental method. The pupils of the last triad of the Draga Bajca Vipava Elementary School (170 pupils), chef and diet planner were included into the research. I discovered that the pupils of the school are generally satisfied with the served food, for they think that its quality and the taste are good. Therefore, they eat everything almost always. The reasons why they do not eat their food depend on the day individually. They sometimes leave their food on their plates because they do not like it, they do not always have enough time to eat it all, or there is too much food served. With regards to the fact that making aware of the rejected food is increasingly more highlighted in schools, the pupils are appropriately informed about the rejected food. Therefore, their relationship towards the rejected food is positive and, due to the respect, the food does not end in the garbage. If the food is rejected, it is due to daily, current reasons, for it is hard to adjust the appropriateness of the food for all the pupils every day.

Keywords:rejected food

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