
Pogovor o prebrani pravljici med vzgojiteljico in otroki
ID Filipan, Nina (Author), ID Bešter Turk, Marja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petek, Tomaž (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3827/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu me je zanimalo, kako v vrtcu potekajo pogovori med vzgojiteljem in otroki o prebrani pravljici in kakšne so razlike glede na starost otrok. V teoretičnem delu sem izhajala iz pojma sporazumevalna zmožnost kot zmožnosti kritičnega sprejemanja besedil in tvorjenja ustreznih, razumljivih, pravilnih in učinkovitih besedil raznih vrst, predstavila sem sporazumevalne dejavnosti (poslušanje, govorjenje, branje, pisanje) in njihovo razvijanje pri otrocih v vrtcu, poudarek pa sem namenila govorjenju oz. pogovarjanju med vzgojiteljem in otroki v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu sem analizirala 10 posnetkov pogovorov o prebrani pravljici med vzgojiteljico in otroki različnih starostnih skupin. Iz teh posnetkov in iz odgovorov na anketo v raziskavi sodelujočih vzgojiteljic sem ugotovila, kako vzgojiteljice poskrbijo, da vsi otroci sodelujejo v pogovorih, kaj storijo, če ne sodelujejo, kako preverijo razumevanje vsebine pravljice, kakšen jezik uporabljajo ter nato katere razlike se pojavljajo med pogovori glede na starost otrok in ali se vzgojiteljice zavedajo značilnosti in pomanjkljivosti vodenja svojih pogovorov. Ugotovila sem, da so vsi pogovori potekali na enak način, tj. da so vzgojiteljice skupaj z otroki sedele v jutranjem krogu, v katerem je potekala dejavnost, le postavitev stolov je bila po skupinah različna (polkrog v skupini 2–3 leta starih, krog v 5–6 let starih in dve vrsti v skupini od 3–4 leta starih otrok). Vse vzgojiteljice so uporabile knjigo kot sredstvo za lažjo obnovitev zgodbe v pogovoru. Pojavljale pa so se tudi razlike med pogovori glede na starost otrok, vendar ne izrazite, npr. vzgojiteljice so pri mlajših otrocih uporabljale popolna vprašanja, v starejših skupinah pa so vodile pogovor tako, da niso dokončale svoje povedi in so z manjkajočim podatkom to morali storiti otroci; v najstarejši skupini je vzgojiteljica otrokom razložila pomen besed, ki jih niso razumeli, medtem ko v mlajši skupini tega ni bilo opaziti. Vzgojiteljice se delno zavedajo svojih značilnosti in pomanjkljivosti vodenja pogovorov; kar nekajkrat pa se njihovi odgovori v anketnih vprašalnikih niso skladali z njihovim konkretnim ravnanjem pri pogovarjanju.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85971 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11197257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Talk about a fairy tale read between the teacher and children
In the diploma work my points of interest were the conversations on read stories in nursery school and the differences regarding children’s age. In the theoretical part I derived from the notion of communication ability as the ability of critical reading comprehension and the creation of appropriate, correct and efficient texts of different types. I also dealt with communication activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) and the development of children’s communication skills in nursery schools. I gave special attention to conversation between the nursery school teachers (in later text: teachers) and the children. In the empirical part I analysed 10 records of conversations about a read story between the teacher and the children of different age. Secondly, I handed teachers questionnaires, which helped me find out how teachers make sure that all children form part of the conversation, which are the undertaken measures if children do not cooperate, how children’s comprehension of the story is examined, what kind of language they use, which conversation differences appear concerning children’s age and whether teachers are aware of characteristics and deficiencies of their conversation management. I realized that all conversations were conducted in the same manner i.e. teachers together with children sat in the morning circle, where the activity took place with the only difference being the position of chairs (semicircle in group 2-3 year olds, circle in group 5-6 year olds and two rows in group 3-4 year olds). All teachers used the book as means of easier summary of the story. There appeared differences in the activity regarding children’s age, but they were not as evident as I expected, for example: with younger children teachers used complete questions whereas with older children teachers did not finish their sentences. In the oldest group, teacher explained the meaning of words whereas in the younger groups word explanation did not occur. In addition, teachers are partly aware of the characteristics and deficiencies of their conversation management but several times their answers in the questionnaires do not concur with their work in the group.

Keywords:nursery school

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