
Projektiranje armiranobetonske poslovno-stanovanjske stavbe na potresnem območju : diplomska naloga
ID Kovačević Zimerman, Ana (Author), ID Fischinger, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Isaković, Tatjana (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/aaa3b6b8-04dc-4a78-984e-1a9405a0bc44
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2331e415-de27-4ef1-9df7-b540a0760489
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Projektiranje armiranobetonske poslovno-stanovanjske stavbe je diplomsko delo, ki smo ga naredili na osnovi arhitektovega idejnega projekta. Delo je v skladu z arhitekturno zasnovo in z evrokod standardi. Spodnjih šest etaž stavbe je namenjenih trgovinam in poslovnim prostorom, medtem ko je zgornjih pet etaž stanovanjskih. Obod stavbe je v obliki »I« profila , ki se tlorisno spremeni po višini. Objekt je lokacijsko predviden v Ljubljani. Nosilna konstrukcija je v celoti armiranobetonska. Sestavljajo jo okvirji in stene, ki so na nivoju etaž povezane s polnimi ploščami. Poleg lastne teže upoštevamo v vertikalni smeri še koristno obtežbo in obtežbo snega. V horizontalni smeri upoštevamo obtežbo vetra in potresno obtežbo. Izdelali smo pet različnih numeričnih modelov. Za analizo smo izbrali model, ki najbolje opisuje realno stanje in je v skladu s konstrukcijskimi zahtevami. Analizirali smo s pomočjo programa SAP 2000. Z izdelavo različnih modelov smo ugotovili, da je predpostavka toge diafragme neupravičena, kar je posledica izredno podolgovatega tlorisa objekta. Za najustreznejši model se izkaže model, kjer so plošče modelirane z lupinastimi elementi, preostali del nosilne konstrukcije je modeliran z linijskimi elementi. Prva nihajna oblika je pretežno translacijska z nihanjem v smeri y, druga je pretežno torzijska, kar vpliva na zmanjšan faktor obnašanja, tretja nihajna oblika pa je pretežno translacijska z nihanjem v smeri x. Dimenzionirali smo značilno ploščo, zunanji in notranji okvir ter stene, ki sestavljajo škatlasto jedro in zaradi svoje velike togosti prevzamejo največji del obremenitev. Na koncu smo za izbrane nosilne konstrukcijske elemente izrisali še armaturne načrte in naredili izvleček armature.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, armiranobetonski objekti, potresna obremenitev, numerični modeli, dimenzioniranje, okvir, stene
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kovačević Zimerman]
Number of pages:XI, 120 str., 3 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85970 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7818593 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2016
KOVAČEVIĆ ZIMERMAN, Ana, 2016, Projektiranje armiranobetonske poslovno-stanovanjske stavbe na potresnem območju : diplomska naloga [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Kovačević Zimerman. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Design of reinforced concrete business-residential building on seismic area : graduation thesis
Reinforced concrete residential-business building design is a g thesis based on architect’s design concept. The thesis is in accordance with architectural plan and Eurocode standards. The lower six storeys are intended for stores and offices, while the upper five storeys serve as a residential space. The building perimeter is in »I« profile shape, which changes according to building’s height. The intended location of the facility is in Ljubljana. Supporting construction is entirely built of reinforced concrete. The construction is composed of a frame and walls which are connected with full concrete slabs at the storey levels. Apart from its own weight, vertical load such as imposed load and snow load are taken into consideration. As far as horizontal load is concerned, wind load and seismic load have been considered. We have designed five different numerical models. For analysis we have picked a model which best describes the real state and it’s in accordance with constructional requirements. We have analysed it with SAP2000 program. By constructing different models we found out that the assumption of rigid diaphragma is unjustified because of extremely elongated facility. The most appropriate model turns out to be a model, where slabs are modelled with shell elements, and the rest of the supporting construction is modelled with linear elements. First shape fluctuation is mostly translational with fluctuation in y direction, the second one is torsional, which affects the reduced behavioural factor, and the third is mainly translational with fluctuation in x direction. The basic slab has been designed, so have the inner and the outer frame and the walls which create a box-shaped core together which, due to their great stiffness, carry most of the weight. In the end, we have made armature sketches for the selected construction elements. Additionally, the armature sketch has been made.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, reinforced concrete buildings, seismic load, numerical models, design, frame, walls

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Appendix - 870,52 KB
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MD5: B56A792D3AA3D1B412EAEA67859547E6
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