
Vpliv različnih metod poučevanja na pojmovanja otrok o živem in neživem v javnem vrtcu in vrtcu montessori
ID Vene, Katarina (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skribe Dimec, Darja (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo želeli primerjati metode poučevanja predšolskih otrok v tradicionalnih javnih ustanovah in vrtcih, ki delajo po programu Marie Montessori. Vzgojna metoda montessori temelji na opazovanjih in odkritjih dr. Marie Montessori. Otrokom želimo z vzgojnim pristopom ontessori omogočiti čim boljše pogoje za osebnostni razvoj, ob tem pa spoštovati njihovo dostojanstvo, svobodo in pravice (26. člen Splošne deklaracije o človekovih pravicah). Poudarek je na učenju za življenje. Otrok dela v ozračju spoštovanja, svobode in odgovornosti. Pedagogika montessori in pedagogika javnega vrtca se razlikujeta v dveh bistvenih elementih. Pedagogika montessori zagovarja individualno učenje, medtem ko v javnem vrtcu učenje poteka predvsem frontalno. Ker poteka delo v vrtcih montessori po drugačnih načelih kot v javnih vrtcih, smo domnevali, da se to pozna tudi na pojmovanjih otrok. Ugotoviti smo želeli, ali se pojmovanja otrok vrtca montessori in javnega vrtca o izbrani temi (živo–neživo) razlikujejo. Poleg tega nas je zanimalo, kako učinkovite so metode dela, ki jih uporabljajo v vrtcu montessori in v javnem vrtcu. Poučevali smo po dveh različnih metodah in ugotavljali, kako se pojmovanja otrok razlikujejo. Raziskava je temeljila na preverjanju s pomočjo slikovnega testa. Prvi test (predtest) smo izvedli takoj in s tem preverili predznanje otrok. Drugi test (test) smo izvedli po končani učni uri, tretjega (potest) pa 5 tednov kasneje.Rezultati so pokazali, da predšolski otroci (stari 3-6 let) zelo dobro poznajo živo in neživo naravo. Jasna so jim pojmovanja o tem, kateri predmet je živ in kateri ne. Bistvenih razlik med enim in drugim vrtcem ni bilo.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85953 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11195721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of different methods of teaching on children concepts about living and non-living in a public kindergarden and montessori kindergarden
In this thesis, we wanted to compare methods of teaching preschool children in traditional public institutions and kindergartens working under the program of Maria Montessori. The Montessori educational method is based on observations and discoveries by Dr. Maria Montessori. With the Montessori educational approach we want children to have the best possible conditions for personal development while respecting their dignity, freedom and rights (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26). The emphasis is on learning for life. Children work in an atmosphere of respect, freedom and responsibility. Montessori pedagogy and public kindergarten pedagogy differs in two essential elements. Montessori pedagogy advocates individual learning, while public kindergarten learning takes place mostly frontal. Because the work in the Montessori kindergarten is carried out according to different principles than in public kindergartens, we assume that this also shows in the comprehension of the child. We wanted to determine whether the comprehension about a chosen topic (living Vs non-living) differs between children from a preschool Montessori kindergarten and a public kindergarten. In addition, we wanted to know how effective are the methods used in Montessori and public kindergartens. We taught by two different methods and identify how children's comprehension varies. The empirical part is based on a visual test. The first test was performed immediately to verify the prior knowledge of children. The second test was performed after the lesson; the third test was 5 weeks later.The results showed that pre-school children (3-6 years old) have very good knowledge distinguishing living things from non-living things. They have a clear idea of notions of living and non-living objects. There were no significant differences between the two kindergartens.


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