
Pridobivanje socialnih veščin in komunikacijskih spretnosti s pomočjo dramsko-gibalnih dejavnosti pri mladostnikih z motnjami v duševnem in gibalnem razvoju : specialistično delo
ID Princes, Tanja (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3811/ This link opens in a new window

Predmet specialističnega dela je spremljanje izvedbe dramsko-gibalnih dejavnosti kot oblike kreativnega pridobivanja znanja pri mladostnikih z motnjami v duševnem in gibalnem razvoju. Osrednji namen raziskave je ugotoviti, ali opisane metode in dejavnosti spodbujajo ozaveščanje ter razvoj besednega in nebesednega sporazumevanja, ali prispevajo k ozaveščanju in izboljšanju čustvenega izražanja udeležencev tega procesa ter ali prispevajo k napredku na področju socialnih veščin. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljeno področje oseb s posebnimi potrebami, podrobneje so osvetljene značilnosti odraščanja in težave vključevanja mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami v vsakdanje okolje. Predstavljeno je področje pomoči z dramsko-gibalnimi dejavnostmi in nekatere vsebine psihoterapije, na podlagi katerih je osnovan program razvijanja socialnih in komunikacijskih veščin. V empiričnem delu je podan načrt izvedbe dejavnosti s strukturo, vsebinami, uporabljenimi metodami, oblikami in načini dela. S skupino šestih mladostnikov, vključenih na šesto stopnjo posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja v CIRIUS Vipava, smo na dvanajstih srečanjih izvajali različne dramskogibalne dejavnosti metode pomoči z umetnostjo po predvidenem programu. V akcijski raziskavi z lastno udeležbo je uporabljena kvalitativna metoda skupinske študije primera. Proces pomoči z umetnostjo spremljamo s pomočjo opazovalnih lestvic, ki smo jih za to skupino oblikovali sami. Z vključitvijo mladostnikov z zmerno motnjo v duševnem in gibalnem razvoju v proces dramsko-gibalnih delavnic smo želeli spodbuditi njihov razvoj samozavedanja, spretnosti in znanja o lastnem govornem in telesnem izražanju ter jih podpreti pri vzpostavljanju odnosov ob vključevanju v ožjo in širšo skupnost. Rezultati so pokazali, da metode dramsko-gibalnih delavnic prispevajo k izboljšanju besedne in nebesedne komunikacije ter socialnih veščin pri mladostnikih s primanjkljaji v duševnem in gibalnem razvoju.

Keywords:pomoč z umetnostjo, dramsko-gibalne dejavnosti, motnja v duševnem in gibalnem razvoju, razvoj kreativnih znanj, razvoj socialnih veščin, razvoj komunikacijskih veščin, umetnostna terapija, dramska terapija
Work type:Specialist thesis
Typology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Princes]
Number of pages:143 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85942 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11192393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The acquisition of social and communication skills using drama movement activities for adolescents with developmental disorders
The theme of this specialist thesis is monitoring of the implementation of drama movement activities that are used as a method of acquiring creative knowledge in adolescents with developmental disorders. Main purpose of this research is to determine whether the described methods and activities encourage awareness and the development of verbal and non-verbal communication, and contribute in raising the awareness and improving the emotional expression of the participants in this process as well as contribute to the progress of their social skills. Its theoretical part will present the subject of persons with disabilities, with further exposure of problems connected with growing up and integrating the youngsters with disabilities into everyday life. It will present the subject of assistance of drama movement activities and some elements of psychotherapy on which the program for development of social and communication skills is based on. The empirical part outlines the plan for the execution of the activities with the structure, content, methods used, forms and techniques of work. With a group of six children enrolled in level 6 of the special program of education in CIRIUS Vipava, we conducted twelve lessons of various drama movement activities based on the methods of arts therapies. In the action research with participation, qualitative methods of group case studies of the case were used. We monitored the process of arts therapies with help of a scale we have developed ourselves. With inclusion of adolescents with moderate development disorders in the process of drama movement workshops I wanted to encourage their development of self-awareness, skills and knowledge on their oral and physical expression, and to support them in building relationships when they were being included in their narrower and wider community. The results showed that the methods of the drama movement workshops contribute to the improvement of verbal and nonverbal communication and social skills in adolescents with deficits in mental and motor development.

Keywords:backward child, communication, otrok s posebnimi potrebami, komunikacija

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