
Otroci soustvarjajo projekt Veselo zimsko praznovanje v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Kramperšek, Sara (Author), ID Turnšek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3805/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu sem predstavila potek načrtovanja, izvajanja in evalvacije projekta Veselo zimsko praznovanje, ki smo ga študentke tretjega letnika predšolske vzgoje na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani izvedle v vrtcu v šolskem letu 2015/16. Pomembna cilja projekta sta bila načrtovanje in izvedba dejavnosti v skladu s pristopom reševanja problemov odprtega tipa, glavni cilj diplomskega dela pa je bil raziskati udejanjanje participacije otrok v projektu in prepoznati ključne razlike med različnimi analizami (lastno analizo izvedenih dejavnosti, samoevalvacijo študentk izvajalk in evalvacijo vzgojiteljice). Pomemben del projekta je predstavljala participacija otrok, ki smo jo študentke želele vključiti v čim več dejavnosti. Otrokom smo postavljale različna problemska vprašanja, na katera so preko aktivnega učenja odgovarjali tekom projekta. Kot pravi N. Turnšek (2004), je glavni namen odprtega tipa raziskovanja prav reševanje problemov, ki jih otroci rešujejo sami oz. s pomočjo in podporo odraslih oseb. Glavna ugotovitev diplomskega dela je, da se je participacija otrok v projektu udejanjala, vendar priložnosti za participacijo niso bile v celoti izkoriščene. Študentke smo si pri nastopih zastavljale dejavnosti, ki niso vedno omogočale participacije otrok, kar je tudi odraz načrtovanja; število ciljev participacije je namreč predstavljalo le dobro tretjino vseh ciljev. Pri analizah dejavnosti sem ugotovila, da se te razlikujejo predvsem glede na vsebino opazovanja, sicer pa se med lastno analizo izvedenih dejavnosti, samoevalvacijo študentk izvajalk in evalvacijo vzgojiteljice ne pojavljajo bistvene razlike.

Keywords:reševanje problemov odprtega tipa, aktivno učenje, Reggio Emilia, participacija otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Kramperšek]
Number of pages:64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85933 This link opens in a new window
UDC:373.2. 016(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:11191369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Children participating in the project Happy winter celebration in preschool
In this degree paper I presented course of planning, executing and evaluating the project Happy winter celebration, which had been carried out at preschool by the 3rd year students of preschool education at the University of Ljubljana, in 2015/16. The main goals of the project were planning and executing activities in order with problem-solving process, the most important aspect of the paper being the child-participation in the project and evaluating the main differences between various analyses (my own analysis of the executed activities, analysis of the performing students, the evaluation of preschool teacher). The most important part of the project was participation of children, which the students wanted to incorporate in every activity. They were asking children a lot of questions concerning problems, which they were solving during those learning activities. As N. Turnšek (2004) mentioned, the main purpose of problem-solving process is that children solve problems on their own or with the support of an adult. The main conclusions of the degree paper are that child-participation in the project was achieved, however the possibilities were not fully realised. The students had been planning activities which did not always include the participation of children and the reason lies in the planning itself; the number of goals anticipating participation was included in only one third of all the goals in students’ planning papers. While comparing the analyses I discovered that they do not differ much, still the main difference is in the contents of observation.

Keywords:pre-school child, participation, predšolski otrok, participacija

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