
Digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb pri pouku
ID FON BRIC, ANITA (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Istenič Starčič, Andreja (Comentor)

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MD5: 18E308B2A7A3E4B392CEC04A0A80BF0B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fa9e9080-62a5-4948-90eb-dfc1ccb4563f

Diplomsko delo predstavlja tematiko digitalnega pripovedovanja zgodb, osredotočeno pa je na osnovnošolske učence. Teoretični del vključuje razlago, kaj je digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb, prednosti in doprinos, ki jih navajajo strokovnjaki za različna področja ter nekaj osnovnih napotkov pri ustvarjanju. Opisana so tudi različna orodja, ki so jih pri poizkusu digitalnega pripovedovanja uporabljali profesorji, ter orodja, ki sem jih preizkusila sama za namen uporabe v osnovi šoli. Diplomsko delo vsebuje tudi dva praktična dela. Prvi, ki je potekal na nižji srednji šoli v Dolini pri Trstu, pod vodstvom učiteljic. Kot sodelavka sem imela priložnost opazovati in priskočiti na pomoč učencem, ko so snovali načrte, pridobivali multimedijsko gradivo in izdelovali zgodbe v Microsoft Office Powerpointu. Tema tega projekta je bila omejena na prostor in čas dogajanja, in sicer se je dogajanje odvijalo v šoli ter se zaključiti tekom šolskega dneva. Vsebina pa je bila v celoti prepuščena učencem. Drugi praktični primer se nanaša na poskus uporabe mobilne aplikacije Com-Phone Story Maker, ki sem ga izvedla s pomočjo učitelja Simona na Osnovni šoli Simon Gregorčič v Kobaridu. Pri tem projektu so učenci delali pod vodstvom učitelja na opredeljeno tematiko šolskega športnega dne. Predstavila sem tudi razloge, ki so pripomogli k moji odločitvi za izbiro mobilne aplikacije. V sklepnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljam izsledke anete med učenci po izvedenem poizkusu. Z anketo smo zbrali podatke o tem kako so učenci doživljali metodo pripovedovanja zgodb in o njihovih izkušnjah pri uporabi računalnika doma in v šoli, ter o tem, ali so med ustvarjanjem naleteli na težave ter kako so le-te rešili.

Keywords:Digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb, IKT, aplikacije, multimedija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85896 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Digital storytelling in the classroom
The present thesis introduces the topic of digital storytelling, focusing on primary school pupils. The theoretical part explains what digital storytelling is, what are its positive features according to experts in different fields, and provides some basic instructions on how to design a digital story. Moreover, different tools are described. The ones used by professors for the testing of digital storytelling, and tools that I tested personally for the purposes of classroom use. The thesis is divided into two empirical parts. The first part was carried out at the lower secondary school in Dolina pri Trstu under the mentorship of two professors. As a co-worker I had the opportunity to observe and help pupils in planning, acquiring multimedia material, and creating stories in Microsoft PowerPoint. The topic of the project was limited to time and space of the event. The story had to take place in school and the pupils had to finish their work by the end of the school day. The content of the story was entirely up to the pupils. The second empirical example describes the attempt to use the mobile application Com-Phone Story Maker which was carried out with the help of professor Simon at the Simon Gregorčič Primary School in Kobarid. In this project the pupils worked under the professor's mentorship. The topics of their stories were related to the school sports day. Furthermore, reasons for choosing the above mentioned mobile application are given. In the final part of the thesis, feedbacks of the pupils are presented. The goal of the survey was to get information on how pupils experienced this method of storytelling and their experience on working on computer at home. The pupils were asked to fill out a questionnaire on whether they liked this kind of activity, and if they had any troubles during their work and how did they solve them.

Keywords:Digital storytelling, ICT, applications, multimedia.

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