
Prostovoljno delo starejših : pomemben cilj aktivnega staranja in razvoja dolgožive družbe
ID Huzejrović, Vahida (Author), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu predstavim različne vidike staranja s poudarkom na staranju v perspektivi življenjskih potekov in skozi paradigmo vseživljenjskega razvoja. Kot osrednji temi predstavim koncept aktivnega staranja ter prostovoljno delo kot obliko aktivnega staranja, motivacijo za vključevanje v prostovoljno delo ter raziskave na temo aktivnega staranja in prostovoljnega dela starejših v tujini. V empiričnem delu raziščem motive in motivacijo, ki prispevajo k vključevanju starejših v prostovoljno delo v Sloveniji, ter ovire, ki vključevanje preprečujejo. Raziščem, kaj to motivacijo vzdržuje ter kaj bi motiviralo tiste, ki se še niso vključili, da se vključijo v prostovoljno delo. Ob tem mi je bilo pomembno ugotoviti, kaj bi po mnenju starejših morali narediti različni deležniki v sistemu, da bi se več prostovoljcev vključevalo v prostovoljno delovanje. Rezultati kažejo, da starejši v Sloveniji zagotovo predstavljajo socialni kapital glede na dolžino prostovoljnega delovanja in čas, ki ga temu namenijo. Med motivi za vključevanje v prostovoljno delo prevladujejo altruistični. Vključujejo se zaradi vrednot, socialnih odnosov, razumevanja, osebne rasti pa tudi zaradi verskih prepričanj. Koristi, ki jih zaznavajo pri prostovoljnem delovanju, so povezane z boljšim psihosocialnim počutjem. Njihovo motivacijo vzdržujejo tako notranje kot zunanje nagrade. Ugotovim, da se v prostovoljske aktivnosti pogosteje vključujejo ženske in mlajši starejši. Na večje vključevanje vplivajo višja izobrazba in večja stopnja funkcionalne mobilnosti oziroma boljše gibalno in duševno zdravje. Pomoč otrokom/vnukom ali sosedom ne omejuje starejših v prostovoljnem delovanju. Starejši prostovoljci bi radi videli, da družba bolj ceni prostovoljno delo, ter da država temu nameni več podpore. Organizatorji prostovoljcev bi lahko več pozornosti namenili promociji prostovoljstva in starejše prostovoljce nagovarjali na bolj primeren način.

Keywords:starejši ljudje, vseživljenjski razvoj, aktivno staranje, vključevanje, prostovoljno delovanje, motivi, ovire
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[V. Huzejrović]
Number of pages:[162] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85863 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11184969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Older people's volunteering: an important objective of active ageing and the long-life society development
This thesis discusses different views of ageing with a special focus on life span development and the life course perspective to ageing. The key themes presented here include the concept of active ageing, volunteering as a means of active ageing, motivation for volunteering as well as a review of related research and studies, mostly conducted abroad. In the empirical section, the motivation of older people for volunteering has been researched as well as the factors that influence older people’s decisions to take up to volunteering. In addition, it addresses the factors that sustain the motivation of active volunteers as well as the factors that could possibly motivate those who have not yet started to volunteer. In order to get to the roots of these matters, older people were asked to give their opinions and suggestions on what should the State provide and what volunteering organisations do to motivate more people to volunteer. The findings show that older people in Slovenia clearly represent social capital, given the length and frequency of their periods of volunteering. They are driven mostly by altruistic motives. They volunteer because of their own values, social relationships, empathy, to stay in touch with the social environment, but also for religious reasons. The benefits perceived in volunteering are associated with better psychosocial wellbeing. Their motivation has been maintained and sustained by both internal and external rewards. The findings also show that women outnumber men among volunteers. Younger older people volunteer more than those older than 75. More educated older people are involved more in volunteering as well as those with the higher level of autonomy or with the better functional mobility. Helping children/grandchildren or neighbours does not prevent older people from volunteering. Older volunteers would like to see that volunteering is more appreciated in society and that the State recognises it, i.e. that it provides more resources for its development. Volunteers’ organisations could, in the view of older people, pay more attention to the promotion of volunteering and utilise ways of attracting volunteers that are more applicable to older people.

Keywords:voluntary work, elderly person, prostovoljno delo, starejša oseba

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