
ID JUVAN, KLEMEN (Author), ID Kamnik, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7C7620B4D7FE821CABF9BBF852EC5F58
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/209d3831-1902-4ea7-bff6-fccd038a0d6f

V poplavi različnih izdelkov na trgu so za prepoznavnost znamk potrebni vedno novi, inovativni marketinški pristopi. Eden najbolj razširjenih je personalizacija ponujenih izdelkov. Mlado zagonsko podjetje se je odločilo personalizirati kozmetične izdelke, katerih izdelava naj bi potekala v robotski celici z dvoročnim 15 osnim robotom. Ker na trgu ni bilo robotske celice, ki bi ustrezala željam naročnika, je bilo potrebno razviti vse elemente robotske celice. Robotska celica je sestavljena iz dvoročnega robota, zalogovnika embalaže, sistema za vijačenje zamaškov, sistema za pipetiranje, sistema za doziranje baze, sistema za mešanje in aplikatorja nalepk s tiskalnikom. Cilj robotske celice je avtomatska izdelava kozmetičnih izdelkov, kjer robot opravlja podobna opravila, kot bi jih človek. To je prenašanje embalaže med posameznimi procesi in pipetiranje dodatkov. Kupec ni imel popolne predstave kako naj robotska celica izgleda in kako naj potekajo procesi, zato je bila edina zahteva, kakšne so vhodne surovine, in kakšen naj bo končni izdelek. Procesi razvoja, različna testiranja in testna proizvodnja celice potekajo že dve leti. Delo se še nadaljuje. Skoraj vsi sistemi, ki so bili razviti za robotsko celico so unikatni. Rešitve, dostopne na trgu, so bile namenjene bodisi velikoserijski ali pa manualni proizvodnji. Taki sistemi za vključevanje v robotsko celico za personalizirano kozmetiko niso primerni. Poleg robotske celice, je bilo potrebno razviti vse komponente sistema vodenja. To je periferni nivo, krmilni nivo, katerega del je tudi robot, nadzorni nivo in informacijski nivo. V magistrskem delu so podrobneje opisani prvi trije nivoji. Zaradi kompleksnosti robotske celice, so bile tekom testiranj ugotovljene številne pomanjkljivosti, tako v strojni in programski opremi, kot tudi pri procesu izdelave izdelka. Nekateri sistemi so bili predelani, drugi zamenjani. Celica je trenutno vključena v proizvodnjo, in se nenehno izboljšuje.

Keywords:personalizirana kozmetika, robotska celica, kinematični model, redundantni robot, sistem vodenja
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85836 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2016
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New marketing approaches are required in the flood of different products on the market. One of the approaches is to make products personalized. This new marketing concept based on the growing trends enables the consumer to build its own personalized products to fulfill their needs. A young startup company decided to offer personalized cosmetic products. Production should take place in a robot cell with a two-arm, 15 DOF robot in the main role. At the moment there is no robot cell in the market that meet demands. New robot cell with new production concepts was developed and started up. The robot cell consists of a dual arm robot, the storage for packages, the system to screw caps, the system to dispersing additive, system for dosing a base material, a system for mixing and applicator for labels with printer. The aim of robotic cells is automatic production of cosmetic products, where the robot performs similar tasks as a human. This is manipulating of package between different systems and dispersing additives. The customer had not had vision how the robot cell should looks like. The only requirement was how the final product should look like. Development, testing and test production have been running for two years, and the cell is still not fully operational. Almost all systems developed for the robot cell are unique. The systems available on the market are made for mass production or for manual labor. This kind of system can not be applied in the robot cell for personalized cosmetics. Besides that a complete control system had to be developed. This is peripheral layer, control layer, part of which is also the robot, control layer and the information layer. The thesis describes the first three layers. During the test period several weaknesses were detected. That is why the cell has been reworked and upgraded for several times. The weaknesses were found in hardware and software. The cell is operational, but it does not meet all customer demands.

Keywords:personalized cosmetics, robot cell, kinematic model, redundant robot, management system

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