
Simulacija delovanja distribucijskega omrežja na podlagi merjenih bremenskih diagramov
ID PODOBNIK, MATIC (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/959321e4-9d74-4dcd-aa46-1876eb099775

Vloga distribucijskih omrežij se v zadnjih letih močno spreminja: iz pasivnega sistema za distribucijo električne energije, ki prenaša električno energijo od centrov proizvodnje do porabnikov, se omrežje spreminja v aktivni sistem za izmenjavo električne energije, ki vključuje tako porabnike kot razpršene vire energije. Elementi omrežja imajo vpliv na obratovalna stanja elektroenergetskega sistema: vplivajo na pretoke moči, obremenitve vodov ter napetostne razmere. Vse večji delež razpršenih virov električne energije zahteva večjo vlogo aktivnih omrežij, za kar je potrebna natančna analiza delovanja distribucijskega omrežja. V diplomski nalogi sta predstavljeni dve primerjavi: primerjava realnih podatkov nizko-napetostnega odseka razdelilnega omrežja in rezultatov simulacije modela le-tega omrežja ter primerjava rezultatov modela omrežja brez in z vključenimi razpršenimi viri. Rezultati simulacije pokažejo kako vključeni razpršeni viri vplivajo na pretoke moči in napetostni profil v danem tradicionalnem odseku omrežju. Z večanjem razpršene proizvodnje električne energije se povečajo tudi pretoki moči in napetosti.

Keywords:distribucijsko omrežje, obratovalna stanja omrežja, delovanje bremen, obnovljivi viri energije, razpršeni viri energije, pretoki moči, napetost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85821 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Simulation of distribution network operation based on measured load profiles
The role of the distribution electrical power networks has been changing a lot in recent years: from a passive system for the distribution of electrical energy, that transmits electricity from the production centers to consumers, the network is transforming into an active system for the exchange of electrical energy, which includes both consumers and redistributed energy sources. Network elements have an influence on the operating state of the electro-energy system: they impact on power flows, load lines, and voltage conditions. A growing share of redistributed energy sources requires a greater role of the active networks, for which a detailed analysis of the functioning of the distribution network is required. The thesis presents two comparisons: a comparison of real data of a low-voltage distribution network section to the results of a network model simulation and a comparison of the results of the network model simulation to the results of the simulation with redistributed energy sources included the network model. The simulation results show how redistributed energy sources affect the power flows and the voltage profile in a given section of the passive network. With the increasing share of redistributed electricity production the power flows and voltage increases as well.

Keywords:distribution power network, operating state of the distribution network, load functioning, renewable energy sources, redistributed energy sources, power flows, voltage

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