
Prosti čas gibalno oviranih učencev z motnjami v duševnem razvoju
ID Poženel, Urška (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3789/ This link opens in a new window

Prosti čas je potreba vsakega posameznika. Prepoznamo ga v treh oblikah: kot počitek, razvedrilo in razvijanje osebnosti. Na samo preživljanje prostega časa vpliva mnogo dejavnikov, na primer družina, šola, okolje, samopodoba, starost … Gibalno ovirane učence in učence z motnjami v duševnem razvoju opredeljujemo kot učence s posebnimi potrebami. Gibalno ovirani učenci imajo prirojeno ali pridobljeno okvaro gibalnega aparata ali okvaro centralnega ali perifernega živčevja. Poznamo več kategorij gibalne oviranosti; in sicer lažjo, zmerno, težjo in težko gibalno oviranost. Pri učencih z motnjami v duševnem razvoju gre za znižane intelektualne sposobnosti in težave na prilagoditvenem področju. Poznamo lažje, zmerne, težje in težke motnje v duševnem razvoju. Pri gibalno oviranih učencih prihaja do pomanjkljivosti pri preživljanju prostega časa ravno zaradi gibalne oviranosti, saj so ti omejeni v izboru aktivnosti, še posebej v primerih, ko gre za težjo ali težko gibalno oviranost. Težave so še toliko bolj kompleksne, če imajo učenci poleg gibalne oviranosti tudi motnje v duševnem razvoju, kar povzroča okrnjeno načrtovanje in izvajanje aktivnosti. Iz navedenih razlogov potrebujejo ti učenci veliko podpore in spodbud. Na vzorcu 51 učencev z različnimi stopnjami gibalne oviranosti in motenj v duševnem razvoju smo želeli dobiti vpogled v njihovo preživljanje prostega časa. Želeli smo izvedeti, kaj vse vpliva na njihovo preživljanje prostega časa, v kolikšni meri so zadovoljni s svojim prostim časom, s kom ga preživljajo … Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo vprašalnika. Ugotovili smo, da so pri anketiranih učencih najbolj priljubljene športne interesne dejavnosti, sledijo še ročne in glasbene interesne dejavnosti. Na izbor interesnih dejavnosti statistično pomembno vplivata starost učencev (mlajši več izbirajo ročne dejavnosti) in gibalna oviranost pri izboru športnih interesnih dejavnosti (bolj kot je izrazitejša gibalna oviranost, manj učencev je vključenih v športne interesne dejavnosti). V svojem prostem času se učenci večinoma ukvarjajo z neformalnimi dejavnostmi, prevladujejo mediji (TV, računalnik, glasba), veliko pa se jih ukvarja tudi z različnimi zunanjimi aktivnostmi. Večjih razlik v preživljanju prostega časa med tednom in med vikendom nismo opazili, razen tega, da se med vikendom učenci več družijo s prijatelji, dobijo obiske. Na izbor prostočasnih aktivnosti ima statistično pomemben vpliv le starost; mlajši otroci se v prostem času več igrajo kot starejši. Anketiranci svoj prosti čas večinoma preživljajo sami ali v krogu svoje družine. Večina anketirancev se sama odloči o načinih preživljanja prostega časa, nekaj učencev pa potrebuje pomoč, ki jim jo nudijo starši. Glede na dobljene rezultate smo podali priporočila za učitelje in starše za pomoč gibalno oviranim učencem z motnjami v duševnem razvoju pri preživljanju prostega časa. Zaključujemo, da je pomembno, da učencem, ki potrebujejo pomoč, pomagamo, da preživijo svoj prosti čas z udejstvovanjem v aktivnostih, ki jih veselijo, in tako pripomoremo k boljši kvaliteti njihovih življenj.

Keywords:prosti čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85785 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11182153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Leisure time of students with physical and intellectual disabilities
Leisure is one of our crucial needs. We know it in three basic forms: resting, entertaining and personality developing. Ways of spending leisure time are influenced by many factors, such as: family, school, environment, self-esteem, age, etc. We classify students with physical disabilities and students with intellectual disabilities as students with special needs. Students with physical disabilities have genetic or acquired mobility impairment or defect of central or peripheral nervous system. There are four known types of physical disability: mild, moderate, severe and profound physical disability. Students with intellectual disabilities have limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. There are also four known types of intellectual disability: mild, moderate, severe and profound intellectual disability. Students with physical disabilities have problems with spending their leisure time actively because of their disability, especially because they cannot participate in all leisure activities that they want. Problems are even more complex if the student has physical and intellectual disabilities. That influences organizing and taking part in different activities, which is why students with multiple disabilities need much support and encouragement in spending their leisure time. On the sample of 51 students with different types of physical and intellectual disabilities we wanted to get an insight into how they spend their leisure time. We wanted to know what influences their leisure spending, how they are satisfied with their leisure and who they spend it with. Data was collected via a questionnaire. The results have shown us that the most popular extracurricular activities were different sport activities, followed by handicrafts and music activities. Statistically, the most important factors in choosing the extracurricular activity are age (younger students tend to choose handicrafts) and physical disability (the more the physical disability is severe, the less students choose sport activities). In their leisure, students mostly choose informal activities. Media (TV, computer, music) is the most common leisure activity, while many students also choose different activities outside. The differences between spending leisure time during the week and weekend are minute, except that at the weekend more students spend their leisure time with friends or they get visitors. Statistically, only age influences the choice of leisure activities: younger students tend to play more in their leisure time. Students spend their leisure time mostly alone or with their family. The majority of students decide for themselves what they will do in their leisure time. Some students have problems with that and need help, which is provided by their parents. Based on the results, we structured guidelines, recommendations for teachers, parents for helping students with physical and intellectual disabilities. In conclusion, it is important that we help those students spend their leisure time occupied with activities that they love as in that way we are also influencing their quality of life.

Keywords:leisure time

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