
Počitek in spanje v vrtcu z vidika zakonodaje in prakse
ID Selič, Ema (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3778/ This link opens in a new window

Dnevna rutina je pomemben element dnevnega reda v vrtcu. Pomemben del dnevne rutine predstavljata počitek oziroma spanje, ki mu v vrtcih še vedno namenjajo premalo pozornosti. Treba se je zavedati, da kakovostno delo v vrtcu vključuje upoštevanje pravice otroka do izbire in sodelovanja pri izvedbi dnevne rutine. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako potekata počitek in spanje v izbranih vrtcih, ali oziroma kako otroci participirajo v tem delu dnevne rutine ter kako zaposleni poznajo in interpretirajo zakonodajo na tem področju. V teoretičnih izhodiščih je najprej predstavljen nacionalni kurikulum, nato pa prikriti kurikulum, ki pomembno vpliva na vzgojo otrok, še zlasti pri dnevni rutini. Sledi predstavitev pomena participacije otrok v predšolskem kurikulumu, vključno z nevarnostmi participacije, ki lahko ovirajo uresničevanje otrokovih pravic. V nadaljevanju je opisana dnevna rutina v Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999) ter v kurikulih nekaterih tujih držav. Teoretični del se končuje s pomenom počitka in spanja v vrtcu, z zakonskimi predpisi in inšpekcijskimi nadzori tega dela dnevne rutine ter s pregledom raziskav tega področja. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli v dveh vrtcih iz Osrednjeslovenske in Savinjske regije. V njej smo raziskovali, ali pri organizaciji počitka in spanja med vrtcema obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike. Ugotavljali smo, ali imajo 4–5 letni otroci možnost izbire in sodelovanja pri organizaciji prostora ter izvedbi počitka in spanja ter kako to poteka. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kakšna so zakonska določila na tem področju z vidika varnosti in zdravja otrok ter kako jih razumejo in upoštevajo vzgojitelji, organizatorji prehrane in zdravstveno-higienskega režima, ravnatelji in inšpektor. Uporabili smo deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja ter kvantitativno in kvalitativno obdelavo podatkov. Rezultati kažejo, da so med vrtcema statistično pomembne razlike pri poteku in dolžini počitka oziroma spanja ter pri organizaciji dejavnosti za otroke, ki ne spijo čez dan. V obeh preučevanih vrtcih prevladuje praksa, da gredo vsi otroci počivat, po določenem času pa nespeči otroci vstanejo in se gredo igrat. Zlasti vprašljiva se nam zdi praksa postavljanja ležalnikov po sistemu glava – noge. Iz ravnanj strokovnih delavcev je razvidno, da se ne sprašujejo, ali so na področju počitka in spanja njihova ravnanja v skladu z zakonskimi določili in predpisi ali ne.

Keywords:dnevna rutina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85761 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11179081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Rest and sleep in preschool from the perspective of legislation and practice
Daily routine is an important element of the agenda in preschool. In preschools, very little attention is devoted to rest or sleep, which represent an important part of the daily routine. It is important to realise that quality work in preschool includes respect for the rights of children to choose and cooperate in carrying out daily routines. The aim of our research was to determine how the daily routine of resting and sleeping is carried out in selected preschools, how children participate in this part of the daily routine and how well do the employees know or interpret the legislation in this area. Theoretical starting points start with the national curriculum and also the hidden curriculum, which has a significant impact on the education of children, especially when it comes to daily routines. That is followed by the presentation of the importance of children participation in the preschool curriculum, including the risks of participation, which may impede the realization of children's rights. The theoretical part continues with a description of the daily routine in Curriculum for Preschools (1999) and the curriculums of some other foreign countries. The theoretical part is concluded with the importance of rest and sleep in preschool, legal regulations and inspection control over this part of the daily routine and a review of research that has already been done in this area. The empirical part starts with our research, which was conducted in two preschools in the regions of Savinjska and Central Slovenia, during which we studied whether there are significant statistical differences between the two preschools in terms of the organization of rest and sleep. We sought to determine whether children, aging from 4 to 5 years of age, had the possibility of choice and participation in the organization of space and the implementation of rest and sleep and how this is done. We were also interested in legal provisions in this area in terms of safety and health of children and how well they are understood and abided by preschool teachers, nutrition organizers, health and hygiene regime organizers, headmasters and inspectors. We used the descriptive and causal non-experimental method of pedagogical research and quantitative and qualitative data processing. Results have shown that there are statistically significant differences between the two selected preschools in the course and length of rest and sleep and in the organization of activities for children that do not sleep during the day. It was common practice in both selected preschools that all children had to rest but after a certain time the children that did not sleep got up and went to play. We found the practice of setting loungers in an alternate manner (head – feet) particularly questionable. It is evident from the actions of professional staff that they do not question whether their actions in the area of rest and sleep are in accordance with legal regulations and provisions.

Keywords:daily routine

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