
Združevanje večmodalne informacije in čezmodalno učenje v umetnih spoznavnih sistemih
ID VREČKO, ALEN (Author), ID Skočaj, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 39579CE226B5ECB5833878B6777388D1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/07be0355-372c-4a20-97df-9c505a6739d4

Čezmodalno povezovanje je združevanje dveh ali več modalnih predstavitev lastnosti neke entitete v skupno predstavitev. Gre za eno temeljnih lastnosti spoznavnih sistemov, ki delujejo v kompleksnem okolju. Da bi se spoznavni sistemi uspešno prilagajali spremembam v dinamičnem okolju, je potrebno mehanizem čezmodalnega povezovanja nadgraditi s čezmodalnim učenjem. Morebiti še najtežja naloga pa je integracija obeh mehanizmov v spoznavni sistem. Njuna vloga v takem sistemu je dvojna: premoščanje semantičnih vrzeli med modalnostmi ter mediacija med nižjenivojskimi mehanizmi za obelavo senzorskih podatkov in višjenivojskimi spoznavnimi procesi, kot sta npr. motivacija in načrtovanje. V magistrski nalogi predstavljamo pristop k modeliranju verjetnostnega večmodalnega združevanja informacij v spoznavnih sistemih. S pomočjo mar\-kov\-skih logičnih omrežij formuliramo model čezmodalnega povezovanja in učenja ter opišemo načela njegovega vključevanja v spoznavne arhitekture. Prototip modela smo ovrednotili samostojno, z eksperimenti, ki simulirajo trimodalno spoznavno arhitekturo. Na podlagi našega pristopa oblikujemo, implementiramo in integriramo tudi podsistem prepričanj, ki premošča semantični prepad v prototipu spoznavnega sistema George. George je inteligenten robot, ki je sposoben zaznavanja in prepoznavanja predmetov iz okolice ter učenja njihovih lastnosti s pomočjo pogovora s človekom. Njegov poglavitni namen je preizkus različnih paradigem o interaktivnemu učenju konceptov. V ta namen smo izdelali in izvedli interaktivne eksperimente za vrednotenje Georgevih vedenjskih mehanizmov. S temi eksperimenti smo naš pristop k večmodalnemu združevanju informacij preizkusili in ovrednotili tudi kot del delujočega spoznavnega sistema.

Keywords:čezmodalno povezovanje, čezmodalno učenje, spoznavni sistemi, iteligentni roboti, markovska logična omrežja, strojno učenje, umetna inteligenca
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2016
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Title:Merging multi-modal information and cross-modal learning in artificial cognitive systems
Cross-modal binding is the ability to merge two or more modal representations of the same entity into a single shared representation. This ability is one of the fundamental properties of any cognitive system operating in a complex environment. In order to adapt successfully to changes in a dynamic environment the binding mechanism has to be supplemented with cross-modal learning. But perhaps the most difficult task is the integration of both mechanisms into a cognitive system. Their role in such a system is two-fold: to bridge the semantic gap between modalities, and to mediate between the lower-level mechanisms for processing the sensory data, and the higher-level cognitive processes, such as motivation and planning. In this master thesis, we present an approach to probabilistic merging of multi-modal information in cognitive systems. By this approach, we formulate a model of binding and cross-modal learning in Markov logic networks, and describe the principles of its integration into a cognitive architecture. We implement a prototype of the model and evaluate it with off-line experiments that simulate a cognitive architecture with three modalities. Based on our approach, we design, implement and integrate the belief layer -- a subsystem that bridges the semantic gap in a prototype cognitive system named George. George is an intelligent robot that is able to detect and recognise objects in its surroundings, and learn about their properties in a situated dialogue with a human tutor. Its main purpose is to validate various paradigms of interactive learning. To this end, we have developed and performed on-line experiments that evaluate the mechanisms of robot's behaviour. With these experiments, we were also able to test and evaluate our approach to merging multi-modal information as part of a functional cognitive system.

Keywords:binding, cross-modal learning, cognitive systems, intelligent robots, Markov logic networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence

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