
Zadostnost predvidenih ukrepov na slovenskem železniškem omrežju : diplomska naloga
ID Subotić, Davor (Author), ID Zgonc, Bogdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šemrov, Darja (Comentor)

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MD5: 3B2BCACD8BE288D504797C2D3C4A0490
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e42e7175-97df-48de-840e-eccbf2255ae5

Prometne storitve so ključne za gospodarski razvoj in kakovostno življenje ljudi. Eden izmed večjih problemov sodobnega prometa je preobremenjenost cestnega in letalskega prometa, kar povzroča negativne vplive na okolje in kakovost ljudi. Zaradi tega je potrebno razvoj prometa usmerjati s prometno politiko, ki bo z različnimi ukrepi dosegla trajnostno mobilnost. Pri doseganju tega cilja ima pomembno vlogo povečanje obsega železniškega prometa. Slovenska prometna politika se usklajuje s prometno politiko Evropske unije, saj je njeno prometno omrežje del omrežja TEN-T. Politika TEN-T si je zastavila cilje, ki jih želi doseči v prometu do leta 2030 in 2050. Eden izmed ciljev je tudi preusmeritev 30 % tovornega prometa s cest na železnico do leta 2030 na razdaljah večjih od 300 km. To je možno predvsem z vzpostavitvijo železniškega omrežja, ki bo konkurenčno dobro razvitemu cestnemu prometu. V Sloveniji so se v zadnjih letih začela večja investicijska vlaganja v železnico, ki bodo izboljšala stanje javne železniške infrastrukture in tako povečala uporabo te prometne oblike. V diplomski nalogi sem preveril, v kolikšni meri železniške proge izpolnjujejo zahteve jedrnega omrežja TEN-T in ocenil ali bodo s predvidenimi ukrepi te zahteve izpolnjene do leta 2030. S preprostim računom sem tudi ocenil, ali bodo predvideni ukrepi glede na napovedan promet zadostovali za prevzem 30 % cestnega tovornega prometa do leta 2030. Uresničitev predvidenih in potrebnih ukrepov je odvisna tudi od zmožnosti financiranja, zato sem za konec primerjal še način financiranja na področju železnic v Sloveniji in drugih državah.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, TEN-T, prometna politika, prometni sektor, železniški koridorji, preusmeritev tovornega prometa, železniški infrastrukturni projekti
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Subotić]
Number of pages:XIV, 98 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85697 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7772513 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The adequacy of the measures envisaged in the Slowenian railway network
Transport services are crucial for economic development and quality of people's life. One of the major problems of modern traffic is congestion of road and air traffic, causing negative impacts on the environment and the quality of life. For this reason, it is necessary that transport policy guide the development of transport, which will reach sustainable mobility with different measures. Increasing the volume of rail traffic have an important role to achieve this objective. Slovenian transport policy is coordinated with transport policy of the European Union, because its transport network is part of the TEN-T network. TEN-T policy has set itself the objectives which should be reached in 2030 and 2050. One of the objectives is also to divert 30% of freight traffic from road to rail by 2030 at distances greater than 300 km. This is made possible primarily through the establishment of a rail network that is competitively well-developed road transport. Slovenia in recent years initiated greater investment in the railways, which will improve the state of the railway infrastructure and increase the use of this form of transport. In this thesis, I examined the extent to which rail lines meet the requirements of the TEN-T core network and assess whether they will meet those requirements by 2030 when the planned measures will be implemented. With a simple account, I also considered whether the measures envisaged in relation to the anticipated traffic will be sufficient to assume 30 % of road freight transport by 2030. The realization of planned and necessary measures also depends on the ability of financing, so I also compare systems of financing in the field of railways in Slovenia and other countries.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, TEN-T, transport policy, transport sector, railway corridors, freight transport shift, railway infrastructure project

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