
Razvijanje algoritmičnega mišljenja osnovnošolcev s pripomočkom Lego Mindstorms : diplomsko delo
ID Rozman, Anže (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žabkar, Jure (Comentor)

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Računalništvo nas dandanes spremlja skorajda povsod, močan vpliv stroke pa lahko opazimo tudi v gospodarstvu, znanosti in na ostalih področjih, s katerimi se srečujemo v našem vsakdanjiku. Ker je naša družba čedalje bolj odvisna od računalniške znanosti, bi bilo smiselno razmisliti o izobraževanju otrok v osnovnih šolah in kako jih opremiti z znanjem iz te stroke. Neobvezni izbirni predmet računalništvo je v slovenski šolski prostor prinesel spremembo k poučevanju bolj temeljnih znanj iz računalništva. Učenci se pri predmetu ne učijo uporabe programske ali strojne opreme, ampak se spoznavajo z računalniškimi koncepti in procesi. Cilji predmeta temeljijo predvsem na razvijanju računalniškega razmišljanja. V diplomskem delu sem opisal aktivnosti s pripomočkom Lego Mindstorms EV3, ki lahko pri učencih osnovne šole spodbujajo razvijanje algoritmičnega razmišljanja, kar je eden izmed ključnih konceptov računalniškega mišljenja. Predstavljen je tudi komplet Lego Mindstorms EV3 in njegovi pomembnejši sestavni deli, s katerimi učenci lahko sestavljajo robote. Aktivnosti sem preizkusil v poletni šoli LegoPy, ki jo je organizirala Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. V empirični raziskavi sem ugotavljal, ali so aktivnosti primerne za poučevanje programiranja, zanimalo me je tudi kakšen odnos imajo učenci do poučevanja s kompletom Lego Mindstorms EV3.

Keywords:računalniško razmišljanje, algoritmično razmišljanje, Lego Mindstorms EV3, poletna šola LegoPy
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Rozman]
Number of pages:II, 38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85687 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11165769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Developing pupils' algorithmic thinking with Lego Mindstorms in primary school
Today, the computer science is practically omnipresent and its powerful influence can be felt in the economy, science and some other fields that we tackle on a day-to-day basis. Due to the fact that our society is becoming more and more reliant on computer science, it would be reasonable to rethink about educating children in primary schools and manner of passing them the knowledge from this profession. The optional elective subject computer science has brought the Slovenian schools a change. The shift has been made into the direction of teaching skills are more basic. During the subject course, the pupils do not learn how to use hardware or software, however, they do get informed about computer concepts and processes. The goals of the subject are based mostly on developing the computational thinking. In my diploma paper I described the activities with the help of an accessory - Lego Mindstorms EV3 - that can at the primary school pupils encourage the development of the algorithmic thinking. The algorithmic thinking is classified as a key concept of the computational thinking. A Lego Mindstorms EV3 set and its significant component parts, which pupils use to build robots, are presented. The activities were tried out at a summer school LegoPy, organized by the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana. In the empirical research I was establishing whether the activities are appropriate for teaching of programming. I was also interested in the pupils’ attitude towards teaching with a Lego Mindstorms set.

Keywords:computational thinking

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