
Zasnova visoko skalabilne arhitekture za razvoj lokacijsko odvisnih vmesnikov API v oblaku
ID Škrjanec, Marko (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 66AC30318865A8D544848BBA1B0AAC58
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5e09fbcf-a8ef-4dbf-a102-f09b17d7e089

Danes že na dnevni ravni uporabljamo storitve s kontekstno informacijo o lokaciji za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje. Lokacijske storitve so dobro opredeljene in zanje obstaja več arhitektur, predvsem v obliki monolitnih rešitev. Težava obstoječih arhitektur je v njihovi slabi skalabilnosti in nezmožnosti prilagajanju ogromni količini zahtevkov, ki smo ji priča danes. Težava obstoječih arhitektur se kaže tudi v nezmožnosti definicije in razvoja vmesnikov API, ki se odzivajo glede na lokacijo. V magistrski nalogi smo definirali arhitekturo, ki omogoča definicijo in razvoj lokacijsko odvisnih vmesnikov API tipa REST. Ključna lastnost vmesnikov API je določanje pravic dostopa in prilagajanje delovanja glede na lokacijo uporabnika. Pri definiciji arhitekture smo sledili konceptom mikrostoritev s ciljem doseganja elastične skalabilnosti, visoke razpoložljivosti, razumljivosti in neodvisnosti. Z uporabo koncepta mikrostoritev ter ostalih arhitekturnih in načrtovalskih vzorcev smo zasnovali arhitekturo, ki temelji na konceptih oblaka in omogoča visoko horizontalno skalabilnost. Uspešnost arhitekture smo potrdili z verificiranjem zmožnosti definicije vmesnika API tipa REST z različnim obnašanjem glede na lokacijo uporabnika, z možnostjo samodejnega skaliranja mikrostoritev v oblaku in z verifikacijo načrtovalskih vzorcev.

Keywords:skalabilnost, arhitektura, mikrostoritve, lokacija, oblak, vmesnik API, REST
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2016
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Title:Design of a highly scalable architecture for location-aware API development in the cloud
We use services which use our location information to improve user experience on daily basis. Location-based services are well defined and can be built based on several existing architectures, especially in the form of a monolithic solution. Poor scalability and inability to handle immense loads are problems which existing architectures face today. Existing architectures also don't provide an option to define and develop location based APIs. In this master thesis we defined an architecture which allows the definition and development of APIs that respond based on user location. Key feature of the API is access control and adjusting functions based on user location. We based the architecture on microservices with the aim of achieving elastic scalability, high availability, understandability and decoupling. By using microservices and other architectural design patterns we designed an architecture which uses cloud concepts and enables high horizontal scalability. We validated the success of the architecture design by verifying the possibility of implementing an REST API with different behavior depending on the user location, the possibility of automatic scaling of microservices in the cloud and by verifying the design patterns.

Keywords:scalability, architecture, microservices, location, cloud, API, REST

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