
Introvertirani učenci v razredu
ID Kmetič, Janja (Author), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3728/ This link opens in a new window

Socialni odnosi pomembno vplivajo na učence in njihovo učno uspešnost. Učencem je pomembno, da se v razredu počutijo sprejete. Predvsem to velja za introvertirane učence. Introvertiranost in ekstravertiranost veljata za temeljni, nasprotni si osebnostni lastnosti, ki sta prirojeni in dokaj stalni. Posameznik se vedno nahaja nekje na razponu med njima. V zahodni družbi je ekstravertiranost velikokrat predstavljena kot ideal. Introvertirani potrebujejo čas za razmislek pred odgovorom na vprašanje, potrebujejo čas zase v tišini, da si okrepijo energijo, radi imajo individualno delo. Perfekcionizem, občutljivost in nadarjenost so velikokrat njihove značilnosti. V šoli se od njih pričakuje ravno nasprotno – čim več dela po skupinah, hitre odgovore na vprašanja. Ker so ves čas obkroženi s sošolci in učitelji, hitro postanejo utrujeni, posledično jim upade sposobnost osredotočanja. Namen dela je bil ugotoviti, v katero sociometrično skupino spada največ introvertiranih učencev in kako dobro učitelji prepoznavajo njihove lastnosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 93 učencev petega razreda in 43 učiteljev razrednega pouka. Učenci so izpolnili vprašalnik, na podlagi katerega so bili razvrščeni med introvertirane, ambivertirane in ekstravertirane. Izpolnili so vprašalnik sociometrične preizkušnje, na podlagi katerega so bili razvrščeni v pet sociometričnih skupin: priljubljeni, zavrnjeni, prezrti, kontroverzni in povprečni. Rezultati so prikazali, da je največ introvertiranih učencev priljubljenih in povprečnih, nekaj manj je zavrnjenih. Prezrtih in kontroverznih je bilo malo. Ti podatki prikazujejo, da so introvertirani večinoma dobro sprejeti v razredu, čeprav so stereotipno predstavljeni s precej negativnimi lastnostmi. Stereotipno jih zaznavajo tudi učitelji, kar je razvidno iz rezultatov vprašalnika, ki je meril njihovo poznavanje lastnosti introvertiranih učencev. Introvertiranim učencem pripisujejo zaprtost vase, zadržanost, tihost in jih pogosto zamenjujejo s sramežljivimi. Potrebno je povečati poznavanje lastnosti introvertiranih posameznikov v šolskem prostoru, da bo njihovo zaznavanje s strani učiteljev boljše ter njihova obravnava ustreznejša.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11164233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Introverted students in the classroom
Social interactions significantly affect students and their learning success. It is important for students to feel accepted by their classmates; this is of special importance for introverted students. Introversion and extroversion are two contradictory fundamental and more or less permanent personal genetic characteristics. A person is always somewhere in between these two extremes. In western society extroversion is often presented as an ideal. Introverted students need time to think before answering questions, time in silence to recover their energy and they like individual work. Perfectionism, sensibility and giftedness are frequently some of their personality features. Yet in classroom they are often expected to act just the opposite; to work in groups and answer questions rapidly. Due to the fact that they are surrounded by classmates and teachers all the time, they quickly become tired and consequently they cannot focus anymore. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate which sociometric group the majority of introverted students belongs to and how well teachers are aware of introverts’ characteristics. The research sample consisted of 93 primary school fifth grade students and 43 primary grade teachers. Students filled out a quetionnaire according to which they were classified as introverts, ambiverts or extroverts. They also did sociometric test according to which they were classified in five sociometric groups: popular, rejected, neglected, controversial or average. Results showed that the majority of introverted students are popular and average, a slightly less of them are rejected. There was only a small number of neglected and controversial introverted students. This data shows that introverts are mostly well accepted in their class, although they are stereotypically portrayed as having quite negative characteristics. Teachers’ perception of introverts is stereotypical as well. This is evident from the results of a teacher questionnaire focusing on how well they are aware of introverts’ characteristics. According to teachers introverted students are self-enclosed, reserved and quiet and are frequently confused with shy students. There is an apparent need to increase the knowledge about introverted individuals in schools, so that their perception and treatment by teachers will be more appropriate.


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