
Analiza asinhronskega generatorja dizelskega varilnega agregata
ID KOVAČIČ, DANIJEL (Author), ID Miljavec, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0F15FE1D4257A132C4D974CDB34320FE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ccec92db-7a42-4d75-8151-d25a6e6a2270

Diplomsko delo obravnava posebno izvedbo dizelskega varilnega agregata, ki ga sestavlja sklop dizelskega motorja, večfaznega varilnega generatorja in samovzbudnega asinhronskega generatorja (AG). Osredotočili smo se na analizo in možnost spremembe slednjega. Dizelski varilni agregat se zaradi svojih specifičnih lastnosti in prednosti uporablja za nekatere posebne oblike varjenja. Z napredkom v razvoju močnostnih elektronskih komponent ter naprednimi oblikami krmiljenja le-teh se za iste naloge vedno pogosteje uporablja tudi sodobne inverterske varilne aparate. Prav upad povpraševanja zaradi pojava konkurenčnih sodobnih naprav ter nekatere ponavljajoče okvare izdelkov iz trenutne proizvodnje so bile povod za razmislek o optimizaciji obstoječe konstrukcije. V drugem poglavju je na kratko opisan princip delovanja varilnega agregata, njegove osnovne značilnosti ter prednosti in slabosti v primerjavi z ostalimi izvedbami varilnih aparatov. Na kratko je opisan potek same izdelave obravnavanega dizelskega varilnega agregata in težave, ki se pojavljajo tekom proizvodnje in med obratovanjem. V nadaljevanju smo se omejili na analizo in optimizacijo asinhronskega generatorja, saj igra ključno vlogo pri večini težav in bi njegova izboljšava prinesla največje koristi. Tretje poglavje zajema teorijo samega asinhronskega stroja. Podrobneje so opisane njegove značilnosti in delovanje, seznanili smo se tudi z osnovnimi pripomočki za izračunavanje njegovih karakterističnih podatkov, kar je bila pri nadaljnjem delu osnova za analizo s pomočjo simulacijskega modela stroja. V četrtem poglavju je opisan obravnavani asinhronski generator, njegove konstrukcijske lastnosti ter opisane ideje za možne izboljšave. Z namenom zmanjšanja števila različnih sestavnih delov smo preučili možnost izdelave statorskih navitij za asinhronski generator iz statorskih pločevin obstoječega sinhronskega varilnega večfaznega generatorja. Za rotor so uporabljene standardne pločevine iz kataloga podjetja Kienle + Spiess. V nadaljevanju raziskave smo obstoječo konfiguracijo ter možne spremenjene konstrukcije simulirali s pomočjo uporabe sodobnih računalniških orodij. V petem poglavju so na kratko opisani nekateri osnovni prijemi klasične konstrukcije strojev, z njihovo pomočjo so nato analizirane posamezne ideje za spremembo dimenzij in geometrije asinhronskega generatorja. V zadnjem delu smo raziskavo nadaljevali v programskem paketu Cedrat Flux2D. Izdelali smo simulacijski model originalnega AG, ga analizirali s pomočjo metode končnih elementov (FEM) in dobljene rezultate primerjali z rezultati meritev. S tem smo potrdili, da izdelan računalniški model pravilno deluje in da ga bo možno uporabiti tudi za izračun rezultatov spremenjenih izvedb stroja. Po primerjavi dobljenih rezultatov s tistimi od originalnega stroja, se je dalo natančneje oceniti, če bi bila izdelava fizičnega prototipa smiselna.

Keywords:dizelski varilni agregat, asinhronski generator, samovzbujanje, konstruiranje, FEM analiza
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85628 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analyses of induction generator of diesel welding power unit
The thesis deals with a special version of diesel welding generator, which consists of a diesel engine, a polyphase welding generator and a self-excited induction generator. We will focus on analysis and possibilities of modifying the latter. Diesel welding generator is used in some special welding processes, because of its specific properties and advantages. With progress in development of high power electronics and its sophisticated control techniques, inverter-based welding machines are being used for the same tasks with increasing frequency. A decrease in demand, because of competitive modern products and some repetitious failures in our current production, started considerations for optimizing the current design. In the second chapter the working principle of welding generator, its basic characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other versions of welding machines are described briefly. The manufacturing process of the treated diesel welding generator is described and the difficulties faced during production and operation. In the continuation our research is limited to analysis and optimisation of an induction generator, because it is a key issue in most technical breakdowns. Its modification would bring the most benefits. The third chapter encompasses the theory of the induction machine. Working principle and types are described in detail. We familiarized ourselves with the theoretical fundamentals, which will be the base for the analysis using the simulation model. In the fourth chapter we describe the built-in induction generator of the welding generator and its characteristics. Ideas for possible improvements are discussed. With the intent of reducing the number of different components, the potential of building the induction generator stator windings by using the existing stator laminations of the polyphase welding generator is studied. For the squirrel cage rotor standard laminations out of Kienle + Spiess product catalogue are used. In the study the current configuration and possible altered geometries were simulated, using modern computer-aided tools. In the fifth chapter some basic traditional design and construction procedures of cage rotor induction motor are described. With their help, the ideas of altering the induction generator geometry are analysed. In the final chapter we continue the research using Cedrat Flux 2D simulation software. A simulation model of the original induction generator was build and analysed using finite element method (FEM). The results were compared with the measurement performed on the existing generator. This approach verifies our computer model and gives us confidence that it can be used for the calculations and analysis of the generator prototypes with altered geometry. After a comparison between the modified and original design we can evaluate if production of the physical prototype would be reasonable.

Keywords:diesel welding generator, induction generator, self-excitation, construction, FEM analysis

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