
Analiza napetostnega stanja okoli predora za elastično in elasto-plastično obnašanje hribine : diplomska naloga
ID Vozelj, Jernej (Author), ID Jovičić, Vojkan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Logar, Janko (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/222fe977-a44a-4ef0-b288-9a5efbc03338

Poznavanje napetostnih stanj v hribini pred, med in po izgradnji predora, je pri procesu načrtovanja ključnega pomena. Na podlagi njihovih sprememb ter karakteristik hribine, lahko določimo velikost in razvoj pomikov, ki se bodo pojavili kot posledica gradbenega posega. Naloga inženirja projektanta je, da ta stanja analizira in predvidi ukrepe za podpiranje hribine ter izbere najustreznejšo tehnologijo za izgradnjo predora. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni različni modeli obravnave napetostnih stanj, podrobneje pa je predstavljena analitična metoda. Nadalje sta opisana porušna kriterija za linearno in nelinearno obnašanje hribine, ki se uporabljata za določevanje stanja v hribini, ki je lahko bodisi elastično bodisi plastično. Posebna pozornost je namenjena reševanju problema plastificirane hribine, kjer so pomiki znatno večji od elastičnih. Da bi omejili rast pomikov in preprečili morebitno porušitev, ščitimo ostenje predora s podporno konstrukcijo. Predstavljeni so podporni elementi, ki se vgrajujejo pri tehnologiji nove avstrijske metode (NATM), ki je v našem prostoru najpogosteje uporabljena tehnologija v predorogradnji. V nalogi sta po analitični metodi za mehko in trdno hribino prikazana računska primera implementirana v Excelove preglednice. Rezultati so preverjeni tudi z uporabo numerične analize v programu Plaxis.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, B-GR, analitična metoda, porušni kriterij, tenzor napetosti, radij plastifikacije, faktor razbremenitve, faktor stabilnosti predora, NATM
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Vozelj]
Number of pages:XII, 38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85603 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7766881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the Stress State Around the Tunnel for Elastic and Elastic-plastic Behaviour of Soils
Knowing the stress state in the rock mass before, during and after tunnel construction, is crucial element of design process. Based on the changes in the stress state and the characteristics of the rock, we can determine the size and development of the displacement that arise as a result of the tunnel construction procedure. The engineers’ task is to analyse the state of stresses and strains and provide the support structure choosing the most appropriate technology for the construction of the tunnel. The thesis presents different models for the analysis of stress state, where the analytical method is presented in detail. Furthermore, the failure criterion for the linear and non-linear behaviour of the rock mass is described. These are used to determine the state of the rock mass, which can be either elastic or plastic. Special attention is paid to the problem of plastic state, where displacements are significantly larger compared to elastic. In order to limit the growth of movements and prevent the collapse, the tunnel walls have to be protected with the supporting structure. Supporting elements installed by the technology of the new Austrian method (NATM), which are most commonly used in our area, are presented in the work. The analyses for soft and hard rock mass are presented using the analytical method, which was implemented into the Excel spreadsheets. Results are also examined using software for the finite element analysis Plaxis.

Keywords:analytical method, failure criteria, stress tensor, radius of plasticity, coeficient of stress reduction, coeficient of tunnel stability, NATM

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