
Pametna regulacija ogrevanja sanitarne vode s sončnimi kolektorji
ID MIS, GAŠPER (Author), ID Rozman, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 28712CF05DB5C657AC71750803D4CA81
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2f8358f1-a80a-45b5-92d7-594e3ea2bff9

V diplomskem delu so bile raziskane možnosti za optimizacijo ogrevanja sanitarne vode s pomočjo sončnih kolektorjev in električnega grelca. Ker je električna energija v nočnem času cenejša, bi bilo smiselno ugotoviti, ali se splača dogrevati bojler z električnim grelcem samo ponoči. Sestavljen je bil pametni regulator, ki na podlagi vremenske napovedi in predvidene porabe tople vode, vklaplja grelec večinoma le v nočnem času in po potrebi. Strojna oprema skrbi za branje podatkov s temperaturnih senzorjev in za vklop električnega grelca. Programski del sistema pridobiva vremensko napoved iz elektronske pošte in na podlagi analize napovedi ter predvidene porabe tople vode vklopi grelec. Narejena je bila analiza delovanja algoritma, v kateri je bila primerjana učinkovitost algoritma ob različnih možnih scenarijih poteka osončenosti kolektorjev. Učinkovitost posameznega algoritma je bila določena na podlagi stroška električne energije, potrebne za zagotavljanje tople sanitarne vode. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se v danem primeru ogrevanje vode izključno v nočnem času ne splača, ker so toplotne izgube bojlerja prevelike. Primerjana je bila učinkovitost algoritma ob predpostavki polovice manjših izgub oziroma boljši izolaciji bojlerja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je algoritem bolj učinkovit. Preizkušen je bil tudi izboljšan algoritem, ki v nočnem času ogreje vodo samo za dopoldansko porabo, popoldan pa ogreva vodo po potrebi. Ta algoritem je bil v testnem okolju uporabljen kot končna rešitev, ker prinaša največje prihranke

Keywords:optimizacija ogrevanja, vremenska napoved, Raspberry Pi, senzorji, vklop električnih naprav, sončna energija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85564 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Smart control of the solar water heating system
The thesis explores options for optimising heating of sanitary water with the use of solar panels and the electric heater. Since electricity is cheaper at night, it would be reasonable to determine whether the electric heater should only be additionally heated at night alone. A smart controller was assembled, which starts the heater on the basis of weather forecasts and estimated consumption of hot water, thereby mostly only at night and if necessary. Hardware is responsible for reading data from temperature sensors and starting the electric heater. The software part of the system obtains a weather forecast from e-mail and starts the heater on the basis of forecast analysis and anticipated use of hot water. An analysis of algorithm functioning was performed, which compared the effectiveness of the algorithm in different scenarios of collectors’ sun exposure. The effectiveness of each algorithm was established on the basis of the cost of electricity necessary for the provision of domestic hot water. It has been concluded that in this case, heating water during night time alone is not worthwhile because the heat loss of the heater is too significant. Efficacy of the algorithm was compared assuming half smaller losses and better isolation of the heater. It has been found that the algorithm is more efficient. An improved algorithm which heats water only for morning use and heats it during the day only when needed, was put to test as well. This algorithm was used as a final solution in the test environment, as it delivers the greatest savings.

Keywords:optimisation of heating, weather forecast, Raspberry Pi, sensors, electrical appliances activation, solar energy

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