
Izkoriščanje energetskega potenciala vodotokov s poudarkom na ohranjanju narave : magistrsko delo
ID Zakrajšek, Janez (Author), ID Kryžanowski, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brilly, Mitja (Comentor)

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MD5: E86D24E142E5E3566D0F1D00D63594BE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/37defbc2-4efb-46e1-a18c-cf663ac650b4

V magistrski nalogi je bila izvedena analiza vrednotenja vodotokov na porečju Tržiške Bistrice glede primernosti rabe vode za hidroenergetsko rabe z upoštevanjem ciljev doseganja dobrega stanja in ohranjanja narave. Vrednotenje odsekov je zasnovano na način, da zagotovimo usklajevanje nacionalnih in evropskih ciljev, na primer s cilji doseganja dobrega stanja voda in ohranjanja narave (Evropska komisija, 2003). Glavna vidika pri analizi primernosti hidroenergetske rabe vode sta vidik privlačnosti in vidik okoljske ranljivosti. Medtem, ko so na eni strani prisotni kriteriji, ki določajo visoko primernosti umestitve rabe, pa je treba na drugi strani upoštevati tudi vidik ohranjanja narave. Rezultati naloge lahko lokalnim skupnostim in tudi nacionalnemu nivoju nudijo ustrezno podlago za usklajeno strateško odločanje. Območje analize primernosti hidroenergetske rabe obsega povodje Tržiške Bistrice, na katerem so bili izbrani vodotoki s prispevno površino večjo od 10 km2. Cilj je torej poiskati najustreznejše lokacije umeščanja hidroenergetske rabe na treh glavnih vodotokih na porečju Tržiške Bistrice. Ustrezne lokacije so tiste, ki imajo visok hidroelektrični potencial in hkrati relativno nizko ekološko in pokrajinsko vrednost ali pa se pri njih ekološko stanje ne bi znatno poslabšalo z ustrezno uporabo hidroenergije.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, porečje Tržiške Bistrice, hidroenergetska raba, vrednotenje vodotokov, večkriterijska analiza, vidik privlačnosti, vidik okoljske ranljivosti
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Zakrajšek]
Number of pages:XIX, 101 str., 6 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85220 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7675233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The exploitation of the energy potential of watercourses with emphasis on nature conservation
This master's thesis presents the analysis of the watercourses of the Tržiška Bistrica sub-basin, carried out to determine their suitability for hydropower water use and bearing in mind such objectives as the achievement of good water status and nature conservation. The analysis of watercourse sections is designed to ensure the coordination of national and European objectives with the objectives of achieving good water status and nature conservation (European Commission, 2003). The two main aspects of the hydropower water use suitability analysis are the aspects of attractiveness and environmental vulnerability. Account must be taken of the criteria determining the suitability for inclusion on the one hand and of nature conservation on the other hand. The results of this thesis can provide an appropriate basis for balanced strategic planning at local community level as well as at national level. The hydropower suitability analysis area covers the area of the Tržiška Bistrica river basin and includes watercourses with contributory areas larger than 10 km2. The objective is therefore to identify the most suitable locations for positioning hydropower systems along the three main watercourses that make up the Tržiška Bistrica sub-basin. Suitable locations have high hydropower potential and relatively low ecological and landscape value and, though appropriate use of hydropower, would not have a significant negative ecological impact.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, the Tržiška Bistrica sub-basin, hydropower use, watercourses analysis, multi-criteria analysis, attractiveness, environmental vulnerability

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