
Uporaba izrabljenih gum kot sekundarnega energenta v cementarni : diplomska naloga
ID Pezdirc, Andrej (Author), ID Bokan-Bosiljkov, Violeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ipavec, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: FE55E216E113F1D5679C2DE81938403E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fa425915-a6a0-477f-b95e-44f83044aa7f

Cementno industrijo obravnava zakonodaja, v kateri so določeni razni ukrepi za preprečevanje in zmanjševanje onesnaženosti zraka ter varovanja zdravja ljudi zaradi emisij snovi v zrak, ki nastanejo med procesom proizvodnje cementa. V zakonodaji so določene tudi mejne vrednosti emisij pri sosežigu odpadkov oz. alternativnih goriv. Izrabljene gume se lahko, kot alternativno gorivo, sosežigajo oz. soprocesirajo v cementarnah, saj energijska vrednost nadomesti fosilna goriva, mineralni del pa naravne surovine. Ob zgorevanju izrabljenih gum pa nastajajo dimni plini, ki predstavljajo vir emisij snovi v zrak. Pri tem se pojavi vprašanje, ali uporaba izrabljenih gum vpliva na večje emisije in s tem predstavlja tudi večjo nevarnost za zdravje ljudi. V ta namen je opisan celoten proces proizvodnje cementa, podrobneje pa je povzet proces žganja klinkerja, ki zajema tudi zgorevanje izrabljenih gum v napravi HOTDISC. Prav tako je predstavljena sestava izrabljenih gum in energijska vrednost v primerjavi s fosilnimi gorivi, kot sta premog in petrolkoks. Podane so vrednosti posameznih emisij v določenem obdobju, ki so pridobljene s trajnimi in občasnimi meritvami ter rezultati nekaterih LCA-analiz izrabljenih gum. Glede na proces proizvodnje, mesto doziranja izrabljenih gum, pogoje v HOTDISC-u ter zbrane podatke, so podane različne primerjave in zaključki o vplivu soprocesiranja izrabljenih gum v cementarni na emisije snovi v zrak ter na zdravje ljudi.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, VKI, cementarna, BAT, soprocesiranje, izrabljene gume, HOTDISC, emisije, imisije
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Pezdirc]
Number of pages:XIV, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85200 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7652705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2016
PEZDIRC, Andrej, 2016, Uporaba izrabljenih gum kot sekundarnega energenta v cementarni : diplomska naloga [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Pezdirc. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Utilization of waste tires as alternative fuel in cement plant
Cement industry is regulated by legislation in which various measures are specified for prevention and reduction of air pollution as well as protection of human health, due to atmospheric emissions, which occur during cement production. Legislation also holds emission limit values for co-incineration of wastes i.e. alternative fuels. Waste tires as an alternative fuel can be co-incinerated i.e. co-processed in cement plants, where the high calorific value of the rubber is used to substitute fossil fuels and the mineral part to substitute the raw materials. By combustion of waste tires flue gases occur, which leads to atmospheric emissions. The question is, if use of waste tires leads to higher emissions to air and with that higher risk to human health. Fort his purpose the entire cement production process is described as well as the clinker burning process, which covers the burning of waste tires in the HOTDISC combustion device. Furthermore, the composition of waste tires and calorific values are presented comparing to fossil fuels, such as coal and petcoke. Also values for emissions during a certain period are given, which were obtained with permanent and occasional measurements. Based on production process, feed point of waste tires, conditions in HOTDISC combustion device and gethered data, various examples and conclusions are given about the impact of co-processing waste tires in cement plant on the emissions to air and to human health.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, cement plant, BAT, co-processing, waste tires, HOTDISC, emissions, immissions

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