
Analiza tehničnih zahtev za izpolnjevanje kodeksa omrežja "Zahteve za priključitev generatorjev na omrežje"
ID PŠAKER, MITJA (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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(OVE) ter odločitvi evropskih politikov, da pospešijo delovanje notranjega trga z energenti, je sledil tretji energetski (zakonodajni) sveženj. Le-ta med drugim določa uvedbo harmoniziranih čezmejnih pravil (kodeksov omrežja) za vse elektroenergetske sisteme (EES), ki so članice združenja evropskih sistemskih operaterjev prenosnih sistemov za električno energijo (ENTSO-E). Po posameznih področjih se zahteve uvajajo v evropsko zakonodajo kot posamezne Uredbe, tj. kot kodeksi omrežja ali smernice: za trg z električno energijo, za obratovanje EES, zahteve za priključitev pomembnih uporabnikov na omrežje. Kodeks omrežja Zahteve za priključitev generatorjev na omrežje (ZPGO), oz. Zahteve za priključitev proizvajalcev električne energije na omrežje spada v skupino kodeksov omrežja, ki opredeljujejo priključitev pomembnih uporabnikov na omrežje, in velja kot uredba dvajseti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Evropske unije, tj. z dne 17.5.2016. V postopku izvajanja ZPGO nalaga sistemskemu operaterju prenosnega omrežja (SOPO) dodatne naloge in postopke v zvezi s priključitvijo elektroenergijskih modulov (PGM) na omrežje. ZPGO omogoča integracijo OVE, ter s tem potrebno nadgradnjo obstoječih pravil obratovanja EES, ki so za obratovanje sinhronega območja celinske Evrope podane v Obratovalnem priročniku, v skladu z določili Uredbe smernic za obratovanje sistema za prenos električne energije ter Uredbe smernice o kriznem obratovanju in vzpostavitvi sistema po razpadu, ki bosta stopili v veljavo predvidoma v letu 2017. Če primerjamo ZPGO z obstoječimi zahtevami in postopki za priključitev elektroenergijskih modulov na prenosni sistem, ki so v slovenski zakonodaji podane v Sistemskih obratovalnih navodilih za prenosni sistem električne energije republike Slovenije (SONPO), lahko na splošno opredelimo nove naloge in postopke, ki jih nalaga ZPGO v katerih je udeležen ali jih izvaja SOPO: 1. Določitev neizčrpnih zahtev za elektroenergijske module (ZPGO, 7. člen, Regulativni vidiki), ki so v ZPGO podane v NASLOV II: Zahteve. Čas za predložitev neizčrpnih zahtev pristojnemu subjektu v odobritev je dve leti od začetka veljavnosti ZPGO (ZPGO, člen 7(4)); 2. Določitev meja med posameznimi pragovi elektroenergijskih modulov za tip B, C in D (ZPGO, člen 5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5), Določanje pomembnosti). Spremembe meja lahko predlaga SOPO vsaka tri leta po prejšnjem predlogu (ZPGO, 5(3) člen); 3. Postopek retrospektivne (retroaktivne) uporabe zahtev za obstoječe elektroenergijske module (ZPGO, člen 4(1)(b)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), Uporaba za obstoječe elektroenergijske module). Ocena retrospektivne uporabe nekaterih ali vseh določb iz ZPGO za obstoječe PGM, skladno z NASLOV III: Postopek za pridobitev obvestila o odobritvi zaradi priključitve, Poglavje 2: Analiza stroškov in koristi (ZPGO, člen 38, Opredelitev stroškov in koristi uporabe zahtev za obstoječe elektroenergijske module), je možna vsaka tri leta (ZPGO, člen4(7)) v skladu z merili in postopkom opredeljenih v členu 4(3)(4)(5); 4. Postopek uporabe zahtev za obstoječe elektroenergijske module (tip C, tip D) pri posodobiti objekta ali zamenjavi opreme, ki vpliva na tehnične zmogljivosti elektroenergijskih modulov do te mere, da je treba njegov sporazum o priključitvi precej spremeniti (ZPGO, člen 4(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii), Uporaba za obstoječe elektroenergijske module); 5. Postopki priključitve novih elektroenergijskih modulov na omrežje, ki so opredeljeni v NASLOV III, Postopek za pridobitev obvestila o odobritvi zaradi priključitve, Poglavje 1: Priključitev novih elektroenergijskih modulov (ZPGO, člen 29 - 37); 6. Postopki skladnosti, ki so opredeljeni v NASLOV IV, Skladnost (ZPGO, člen 40 - 57); 7. Postopki odstopanja, ki so opredeljeni v NASLOV V, Odstopanja (ZPGO, člen 60- 65); 8. Zagotovitev sprememb Pogodbenih določb in Splošnih pogojev, ki so opredeljene v NASLOV VII, Končne določbe (ZPGO, člen 71(1)(2)(3), Sprememba pogodb in splošnih pogojev). Poleg navedenih novih nalog in postopkov imamo v ZPGO podane tudi t.i. izčrpne zahteve (NASLOV II: Zahteve, analizirane v 5. poglavju magistrske naloge), ki se uporabljajo neposredno, kar pomeni, da začne veljati takoj v vseh državah članicah in postanejo del nacionalne zakonodaje. Za izvajanje zgoraj navedenih nalog in procesov, ki jih izvaja SOPO je pomembno razumevanje posameznih zahtev, tako izčrpnih kot neizčrpnih, ki veljajo za elektroenergijske module, in koncepta ZPGO na katerem temeljijo zahteve. V ta namen je izvedena analiza zahtev iz ZPGO. Trenutno znotraj članic ENTSO-E potekajo priprave glede uvedbe ZPGO v njihov pravni red med sistemskimi operaterji prenosnih omrežij, sistemskimi operaterji distribucijskih omrežij, regulatornimi organi, državami članicami. V ta namen so ustanovili strokovne skupine (za določitev neizčrpnih zahtev, glede retrospektivne uporabe zahtev, glede na spremembo meja med posameznimi pragovi elektroenergijskih modulov itd), ki poleg navedenih deležnikov vključujejo tudi proizvajalce električne energije, proizvajalce opreme, strokovne inštitucije, univerze, organizacije za standardizacijo,... Žal v Sloveniji do sedaj temu nismo namenili dovolj pozornosti. Zato je nujna poglobljena analiza ZPGO, ki jo predstavlja navedena naloga. Za namen lažje uvedbe kodeksa omrežja ZPGO in izpolnjevanje nalog SOPO je v nalogi izvedena podrobna analiza Zahtev z vidika stabilnosti EES, splošnih zahtev vodenja EES in vzpostavitve EES po razpadu. Izvedena je primerjava konceptov in zahtev med ZPGO z obstoječo slovensko zakonodajo (SONPO 2016). V nalogi so izpostavljena ključna vprašanja in predlogi za nadaljnje delo s katerimi se bodo ukvarjali deležniki v postopku uvedbe kodeksa omrežja ZPGO v slovensko zakonodajo. ZPGO bosta v prihodnjih mesecih sledila še NC DCC in NC HVDC, katerih koncept in izrazoslovje temelji na ZPGO. Iz navedenega izhaja, da je izrednega pomena, da se podrobno razloži koncept ZPGO in analizira Zahteve.

Keywords:Zahteve za priključitev generatorjev na omrežje, ZPGO, Kodeks omrežja, elektroenergijski modul
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85169 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2016
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As a result of European climate and energy policy for the integration of renewable energy sources (RES), and to further the decision made by European politicians to speed up the functioning of the internal energy market (IEM), the so-called Third Energy Package was introduced. The Third Energy Package, among others, establishes the harmonised cross-border rules for ENTSO-E system. Common rules are introduced into the European legislation as individual Regulations (i.e. as network codes or guidelines) in individual fields: for the electricity market, power system operation, and requirements for connecting significant grid users to a network. The Network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG) falls under a class of network codes which, together with Network Code on Demand Connection (NC DCC) and Network Code on HVDC Connections and DC Connected Power Park Modules (NC HVDC), define the connection of significant grid users to the network, and as a Regulation has entered into force on 17th of May 2016. In relation to the existing Slovenian legislation, NC RfG imposes additional tasks and processes to transmission system operator (TSO) with respect to the grid connection of power generating modules (PGM). NC RfG enables the integration of RES, and as such the need to upgrade the existing transmission system operation rules, described in the Operation Handbook for Continental Europe, according to the guidelines of the Regulation guideline on electricity transmission system operation and Regulation guideline on emergency and restoration, which both shall enter into force in 2017. By comparing NC RfG with the existing requirements and procedures that are specified in the Slovenian legislation by SONPO (remark: Slovenia grid code for transmission system), one can define, in general, the new tasks and processes imposed by NC RfG in which TSO is involved, or are implemented by TSO: 1. Determination of the non-exhaustive requirements for PGM (NC RfG, Article 7, Regulatory aspects), which are given in NC RfG, TITLE II: Requirements. The timeframe to submit a proposal on the non-exhaustive requirements: the relevant system operator or TSO shall submit a proposal for requirements of general application, or the methodology used to calculate or establish them, for approval by the competent entity within two years of entry into force (NC RfG, Article 7 (4)); 2. Determination of the limits for thresholds of PGM type B, C and D (NC RfG, Article 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5), Determination of significance). A proposal by TSO to change the thresholds can be proposed after every three years from the previous proposal (NC RfG, Article 5 (3)); 3. The retrospective application process for the requirements of the existing PGM (NC RfG, Article 4(1)(b)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), Application to existing power generating modules). TSO may assess the application of some or all of the provisions of NC RfG to the existing PGM every three years (NC RfG, Article 4(7)) in line with the criteria and the process defined in Article 4(3)(4)(5) and TITLE III: Operational notification procedure for connection, Chapter 2: Cost benefit analysis (NC RfG, Article 38, Identification of the costs and benefits of application of requirements to existing PGM); 4. The application process for the requirements of the existing PGM (type C, type D) regarding the plant modernisation or the equipment replacement that affect the technical capabilities of the power generating module to such an extent that its connection agreement must be substantially revised (NC RfG, Article 4(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii), Application to existing power generating modules); 5. The procedures that define the connection of the new PGM to the network (Title III, Operational Notification Procedure For Connection, Chapter 1, Connection Of New Power Generating Modules (NC RfG, Article 29-37)); 6. Compliance procedures (Title IV, Compliance (NC RfG, Article 40-57)); 7. Derogations procedures (Title V, Derogations (NC RfG, Article 60-65); 8. Establishing the amendments of contracts, and general terms and conditions (Title VII, Final Provisions (NC RfG, Article 71 (1)(2)(3) Amendment of contracts and general terms and conditions). In addition to the new tasks and processes in NC RfG, we also have the so-called exhaustive requirements (Title II: Requirements, analyzed in Chapter 5 of the master's thesis) that are directly applicable to the Slovenian legislation and other memeber states. In order to implement the above-mentioned tasks and processes by TSO, it is important to understand how both, the exhaustive and non-exhaustive requirements apply to NC RfG, as well as the concept of NC RfG itself, which the requirements are based upon. For this purpose, the analysis of the NC RfG requirements has been carried out. Currentlly, the individual members within ENTSO-E are preparing the concept of the NC RfG implementation into their national legislations, and are having discussions between TSO, distribution system operators, national regulatory authority, and member states. Therefore, different expert groups were formed (e.g. to determine the non-exhaustive requirements; to determine the retrospective application of the requirements; to determine the threshold limits for type B, C, and D PGM, etc.) that in addition to stakeholders also include power generating companies, equipment manufacturers, professional institutions, universities, organizations for standardization etc. In Slovenia, unfortunately, we did not pay sufficient attention to it. Thus, an in-depth analysis of NC RfG, demonstrated in this thesis, is necessary. To facilitate the implementation of NC RfG, and the obligations and tasks of TSO, a detailed analysis of requirements is performed, including the power system stability requirements, general system management requirements, and the requirements related to system restoration after collapse. The comparisons of the NC RfG concepts and requirements with the existing Slovenian grid code for transmission system (SONPO 2016) are carried out in this thesis. This thesis highlights the key issues and proposals that the stakeholders will work on during the NC RfG implementation process into the Slovenian legislation. NC DCC and NC HVDC, whose concepts and terminology is based on NC RfG, will follow in the upcoming months after NC RfG becomes effective. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to both explain the concept of NC RfG in great detail, and to analyse TITLE II Requirements.

Keywords:Requirements for grid connection of generators, Network code, NC RfG, PGM

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