
Optimizacija skladiščnih procesov s pomočjo mobilne tehnologije
ID ILC, SAMI (Author), ID Vavpotič, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6B5F4BE8E04109C203EAE7D7B19171E8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/069b3e51-aa20-48f4-8516-c93910229d10

Diplomsko delo z uvodnimi besedami izpostavi problematiko razvoja poslovnih mobilnih aplikacij, nadaljuje pa z motivom raziskave o uporabnosti mobilne tehnologije pri postopkih skladiščenja sodelujočega podjetja. Najprej nas seznani s teorijo skladiščnih logistik, ki se dandanes izvajajo v praksi, ter se dotakne njihovih problematik. Temu sledi podrobnejša analiza trenutne izvedbe skladiščnih procesov obravnavanega okolja ter ob njem uporabljene programske opreme. Delo poudari kritične točke skladiščenja ter opiše potrebne osnovne funkcionalnosti informacijskega sistema, s katerimi bi lahko odpravili določene časovne zamude. Nato se preverijo morebitne obstoječe mobilne rešitve na trgu, ki bi vsebovale zahtevane funkcije, ter smiselnost njihove dejanske uporabe. Osrednji del naloge celovito opiše razvoj novega prototipnega mobilnega sistema, postopek njegove implementacije v realno skladiščno okolje, ter ob tem nastale težave. Sledi epilog s predstavitvijo ter končno analizo pridobljenih rezultatov testiranja razvitega prototipa. Delo se zaključi s podanim strokovnim mnenjem vodstva podjetja o nastalem izdelku ter končnim sklepom o njegovi dodani vrednosti.

Keywords:skladiščenje, skladiščni procesi, mobilni informacijski sistem
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85142 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of warehouse processes by using mobile technology
Introductory of this dissertation highlights the problems of business mobile applications development, it continues with the motive of research on the usefulness of mobile technologies in warehouse processes of company involved. First of all, it introduces us with the theory of warehouse logistics, which are nowadays carried out in practice, and touches their issues. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the current implementation of warehouse processes of the environment involved and software used for it. It emphasizes the critical points of storage and describes the necessary basic functionality of the information system, which could eliminate certain delays. After that, follows the check for any existing mobile solutions on the market, which would include the required function and viability of their actual use. The main part of this dissertation comprehensively describes the development of a new prototype of a mobile system, the process of its implementation in the real warehouse environment, and difficulties encountered. Epilogue contains a presentation and final analysis of the results of testing the developed prototype. The dissertation concludes with a given expert opinion of company management for the resulting product and the final decision on its added value.

Keywords:storage, warehouse processes, mobile information system

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