
Blogi s področja bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti : magistrsko delo s prilogami na CD-ROMu
ID Logar, Tea (Author), ID Pisanski, Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4EA2A0B4773012F41FED4B7B2BD0DFC6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f19dbab5-da59-4db1-8bf5-c1fd5484ce92

Splet 2.0 je v zadnjih letih pomembno vplival na hitrejši pretok informacij ter lažjo komunikacijo ljudi. Eno od orodij Spleta 2.0 je tudi blog, ki je zaradi lahkega dostopa in enostavne uporabe postal zelo priljubljen tudi na področju bibliotekarske in informacijske znanosti. Namen magistrskega dela je bila predstavitev nekaterih slovenskih in tujih blogov ter ugotoviti ali obstaja povezava med Google PageRankom in upoštevanjem izbranih meril kakovosti. V raziskavo smo zajeli 8 tujih in 2 slovenska bloga. Primerjali smo objave na blogih v obdobju januar-julij 2015. V raziskavo smo sprva želeli zajeti 4 bloge z najvišjim PageRankom (glede na seznam LIS Wiki), vendar smo kasneje v raziskavi ugotovili, da se je od objave seznama PageRank spremenil. Bloge smo opisovali, primerjali in točkovali v ekspertni študiji. Ugotovili smo, da za te bloge med Google PageRankom in upoštevanjem kriterijev obstaja delna povezanost. Opazili smo še, da se je količina komuniciranja med bralci in blogerji zmanjšala. Knjižničarji bodo morali razmisliti o dodatni promociji ali pa o preoblikovanju svojih blogov.

Keywords:bibliotekarstvo, informacijska znanost, internet, splet 2.0, blogi, spletni dnevniki, informacijske stroritve, bolonjske magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Logar]
Number of pages:65 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85094 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:61670754 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2016
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In recent years Web 2.0 has had a significant effect on faster flow of information and communication. A blog is one of the tools of Web 2.0. Thanks to ease of access and simplicity of use it has become very popular in the field of library and information science. The purpose of the master's thesis was to present certain Slovene and foreign blogs and to find out whether there is a link between Google PageRank and our selection of blog's quality criteria. The analysis focuses on eight foreign and two Slovenian blogs. We compared the posts on blogs in the period from January to July 2015. Initially we wanted to include four blogs with the highest PageRank (according to the list of LIS Wiki) but we later found out that PageRank's have changed since this list was published. In an expert study, we have described, compared and evaluated blogs. We have found that there is a moderate correlation between the quality criteria and Google PageRank. We noticed that the amount of communication between readers and bloggers decreased. Librarians will have to think about the additional promotion or the transformation of their blogs.

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