
Določanje konteksta okolja s pomočjo tehnologij iBeacon in Eddystone
ID RUPNIK, KLEMEN (Author), ID Sodnik, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4D88C63E4E0EEAA373BAFF17182036D0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/504c0dd7-f53e-44c8-8020-05de2b98428f

V diplomskem delu se poglobimo v delovanje iBeacon in Eddystone tehnologije, ki temelji na Nizkoenergetskem Bluetoothu. Primerjamo njune prednosti in slabosti ter analiziramo varnostne ranljivosti tehnologije. Raziščemo tudi koncept Fizični splet, v sklopu katerega z Beacon oddajniki oddajamo URL naslove s predmetov v bližnje okolje. Prepoznamo in naštejemo priložnosti za integracijo Beacon oddajnikov v praktične in tržne rešitve. V praktičnem delu se posvetimo načrtovanju uporabniškga vmesnika ter razvoju mobilne aplikacije za okolje Android, ki uporablja dotično tehnologijo in z mobilno napravo povezuje realen svet. Uporabnost aplikacije prikažemo na primeru trgovskega centra, kjer na podlagi zaznane bližine oddajnika, uporabniku aplikacije podajamo koristne lokacijsko relevantne informacije, sprožamo različne akcije, beležimo uporabnikovo lokacijo in analiziramo njegove navade. Beacon tehnologijo prepoznamo kot medij za ustvarjanje interakcij med mobilnimi napravami in realnim svetom, s čimer posegamo v internet stvari in odpiramo nove priložnosti v tej domeni.

Keywords:internet stvari, Bluetooth, iBeacon, Eddystone, Beacon, Fizični splet, bližina, kontekstualizacija prostora, območje dosega, uporabniška izkušnja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85087 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2016
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Title:Determination of environment context with the aid of iBeacon and Eddystone technologies
The thesis addresses the operation of iBeacon and Eddystone technology, based on Bluetooth Low Energy. We compare their advantages and disadvantages and analyse on the security vulnerabilities of referred technology. We investigate the concept Physical Web by which we provide URL addresses form objects to the surrounding environment. We identify opportunities for integration of Beacon transmitters in practical and commercial solutions. In the practical part of the thesis, we focus on user interface planning, thereafter on development of mobile application for Android, which uses the respective technology, connecting a mobile device with the real world. We demonstrate the usability of the application on example of the shopping center, where on the basis of the perceived transmitter proximity, we provide a useful location-relevant information to the user of mobile application, trigger various actions, recorded the user's location and analyze his behavior. Beacon technology has been recognized as a medium for creating interaction between mobile devices and the real world, thus intervening in the Internet of things and opening up new opportunities within this domain.

Keywords:Internet of Things, Bluetooth, iBeacon, Eddystone, Beacon, Physical Web, Proximity, Environment Contextualization, Geofencing, User Experience

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