
Produkcija glasbenega videospota
ID STERGAR, GAL (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1E3C8E986395F02BD3D5CAC88B479EA1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/72a01109-dda5-45c6-8c7c-1ab7dc6e939f

V svoji diplomski nalogi sem predstavil glavne mejnike v zgodovini glasbenega videospota od njegovih začetkov do danes. Opravil sem tudi pregled nad pravili in postopki pri izdelavi glasbenega videospota, kjer sem se osredotočil na filmske tehnike, pomembne nastavitve kamere in postopke v montaži. V nadaljevanju sem analiziral videospote dveh glasbenih žanrov, ki sem jih razdelil še na slovensko in tujo glasbeno sceno. Analiza je bila opravljena na videospotih pop in rock glasbene zvrsti, lastnosti rock glasbe pa sem upošteval tudi pri izdelavi svojega videospota. Po končani analizi sem dobljene rezultate med seboj primerjal in zapisal svoje ugotovitve. Sledila je predstavitev opreme. Opisal sem lastnosti kamere ter naštel uporabljene pripomočke in opisal njihovo funkcijo pri snemanju. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge je sledil opis postopka izdelave praktičnega dela moje diplomske naloge. Opisan je celoten postopek produkcije glasbenega videospota za tolminsko pop-rock skupino D'ŠUPS – od idejne zasnove in izbora lokacije do poteka snemanja, končne montaže in izvoza. Predstavil sem programsko opremo Adobe Premiere Pro ter opisal ključne postopke montaže, ki sem jih uporabil pri izdelavi svojega projekta. Za boljšo predstavo je v delo vključenih 55 slik. Bralec bo spoznal, kaj vse je potrebno za izdelavo glasbenega videospota, izvedel, iz katerih komponent je videospot sestavljen, ter se seznanil s tehnikami snemanja in montaže. V video produkciji obstajajo določene tehnike in pravila, ki se jih po navadi držimo, vendar pa jih, če jih dobro poznamo, lahko kršimo in s tem svojemu izdelku dodamo umetniško vrednost ter edinstvenost.

Keywords:videospot, snemanje, glasba, kader, kamera, montaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85084 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Videospot production
In my thesis, I describe the milestones in the history of the music video from its beginnings to the present. I also provide an overview of the rules and processes in music video production focusing on filmmaking techniques, important video camera settings and film editing processes. I also analyze a few music videos from two different music genres, which I further divide into two groups – Slovene and foreign music scene. The analysis is based on music videos from pop and rock genres. For the production of my own music video, I decided to implement the characteristics of rock music. Later on, I compare the results of the analysis and provide a discussion of my findings. Furthermore I provide a list of the equipment and its description delineating the characteristics of the video camera and other accessories used during the music video production in regards to their functions. The concluding part of the thesis contains a description of the filmmaking process. The thesis incorporates a description of the entire process including the idea, the location and the filmmaking, final editing and exporting processes for a local pop-rock music band known as D’ŠUPS. I provide the information on the film editing software Adobe Premiere Pro and the most essential film editing strategies used for my project. The thesis is equipped with 55 photos in order to achieve better comprehension. This thesis provides information on music video production, music video components, and, finally, filmmaking and editing techniques. In video production, there are some rules we usually follow, but if we know them well enough, we can also break them and bring our creativity and uniqueness into a music video.

Keywords:music video, filmmaking, music, shot, camera, editing

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