
Primerjava podatkov o skupnem vzponu vzdolž posnetih GPS-sledi glede na metodo določitve : diplomska naloga
ID Moderc, Jernej (Author), ID Petrovič, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona (Comentor)

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MD5: 65B4825FF1AF5A3B4ED92D61C811A389
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d7342db8-80e7-41f7-b718-8123c626465d

V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali podatke o skupnem vzponu vzdolž 250 posnetih GPSsledi, zajetih na območju zahodne Slovenije. GPS-sledi so bile posnete z enostavnim enofrekvenčnim kodnim GPS-snemalnikom Qstarz BT-Q1000P, s kriterijem zajema 10 m oddaljenosti od predhodno posnete točke. Iz tako posnetih GPS-sledi smo izračunali skupni vzpon na različne načine, in sicer: direktno iz posnetih elipsoidnih višin, z uporabo različnih pragov poenostavitve višinskega profila, s pomočjo programa Google Zemlja v načinu prikaza posnete GPS-sledi “Absolutno” oz. “Pritrjeno na tla”, torej na SRTM 90 m, ter s polaganjem na podatke DMV 1 m iz nedavnega ALS snemanja Slovenije, ki smo jih uporabili kot referenčne. Ovrednotili smo ustreznost posamezne metode določitve skupnega vzpona ter empirično določili korekcijske faktorje za zagotovitev skladnosti podatkov o skupnem vzponu z referenčnimi vrednostmi ter njihove medsebojne primerljivosti. Na osnovi agregatne obdelave 250 posnetih GPS-sledi smo ugotovili, da je potrebno podatek o skupnem vzponu, izračunan iz izvorno posnete, nepopravljene GPS-sledi, v povprečju zmanjšati za 20 %, da pridobimo vrednost, primerljivo z referenčno. Podatki o skupnem vzponu, dobljeni s programom Google Zemlja v načinu “Pritrjeno na tla” oz. izračunani s pragom poenostavitve 15 m, pa so zaradi bolj generaliziranega modela reliefa oz. višinskega profila v povprečju premajhni in jih je zato potrebno za primerljivost z referenčnimi vrednostmi v povprečju povečati za 20 %. Vsota odstopanj od izračunanih referenčnih vrednosti skupnih vzponov pa je v povprečju najmanjša pri metodi določitve s 5-metrskim pragom poenostavitve višinskega profila.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, GPS-sled, skupni vzpon, Google Zemlja, višinski profil
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Moderc]
Number of pages:XIV, 80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85073 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7655521 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of data on the total ascent along the recorded GPS tracks depending on the method of determining
In this thesis, we discuss data on the total ascent along 250 recorded GPS tracks, situated in western Slovenia. GPS tracks were recorded with a simple single-frequency code GPS recorder Qstarz BT-Q1000P with distance criteria of 10 m from the previously recorded point. From all recorded GPS tracks, we calculated the total ascent in different ways, namely directly from the recorded ellipsoidal heights, using different thresholds of height profile simplification, with the help of Google Earth in view mode of the recorded GPS track “Absolute” or “Clamped to ground”, meaning on the SRTM 90 m, and by laying the GPS tracks on DMV 1 m data from a recent recording of Slovenia with ALS, which we used as a reference. We evaluated the suitability of a particular method of etermining the total ascent and empirically determined correction factors to ensure comparability of data with reference values and their mutual comparability. Based on the aggregated processing of 250 recorded GPS tracks, we found out that the total ascent, calculated from originally recorded, uncorrected GPS tracks, has to be reduced for 20 % on average, to get a value that is comparable to the reference. Total ascents, obtained with Google Earth in view mode “Clamped to ground” or calculated by the simplification threshold of 15 m, are on average too small due to more generalized terrain model or height profile, therefore it is necessary to increase them for 20 % on average to ensure the comparison with the reference values. It turns out that the sum of deviations, calculated by comparing each total ascent to its reference value, is on average the smallest when total ascent is etermined using 5 m threshold of height profile simplification.

Keywords:geodesy, graduation thesis, total ascent, GPS track, Google Earth, uGheight profile

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