
Analiza višin komunalne infrastrukture na območju industrijske cone Rudnik
ID Goršič, Janez (Author), ID Koler, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5A725280F7EF394D6172C364BE24F2CC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/886e7206-382d-4272-aef7-6447d6db3f31

V nalogi prikazujemo teoretični in praktični del evidentiranja gospodarske javne infrastrukture (GJI). Zbrani urejeni podatki GJI so nepogrešljiva informacija v različnih procesih upravljanja s prostorom, zbirni kataster gospodarske infrastrukture (ZkGJI) predstavlja okolje, v katerem se srečujejo uporabniki in lastniki podatkov. Uporabnikom podatkov ni več potrebno iskati informacij pri lastnikih in upravljavcih te infrastrukture, saj pridobijo informacije prek ene vstopne točke in z enim vpogledom v ZkGJI. Podatki o GJI so v zbirnem katastru javni in uporabnikom dosegljivi na spletnem naslovu, kjer se seznanijo z zadnjim stanjem podatkov na izbrani parceli. V drugem delu naloge smo na testnem območju opravili terensko izmero in dobljene rezultate nadmorskih višin karakterističnih točk objektov GJI primerjali z evidentiranimi nadmorskimi višinami, ki jih v svojih evidencah vodi Javno podjetje Vodovod Kanalizacija d.o.o. (VO-KA). Analiza terenske izmere in dobljeni rezultati z evidentiranimi nadmorskimi višinami izbranih karakterističnih točk objektov so potrdili dvom o kvaliteti evidentiranih podatkov komunalnih vodov. Ustrezne podatke o višinah objektov GJI lahko dobimo le z izbiro primernih navezovalnih točk, nujna je navezava na reperje državnih ali mestnih nivelmanskih mrež oz. na vse geodetske točke, ki imajo višino določeno z milimetrsko točnostjo.

Keywords:javne infrastrukture, nadmorska višina karakterističnih točk, trigonometrično višinomerstvo, kanalizacijski jašek
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[J. Goršič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85054 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7598945 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of public utility infrastructure heights within the Rudnik industrial park
This thesis provides a theoretical and practical approach to recording commercial public infrastructure (CPI). Structured CPI collections provide crucial information for a number of spatial management processes; the Consolidated Cadastre of Commercial Public Infrastructure is an environment best described as a meeting point for users and owners of the data. Users no longer need to approach the owners and managers of such infrastructure to acquire these data, as the necessary information can be obtained via a common entry point and a single query in the Consolidated Cadastre of Commercial Public Infrastructure. CPI data in the consolidated cadastre are publicly accessible online, where users can retrieve up-to-date data for the desired parcels of land. In the second part of the thesis, measurements were performed on-site and the heights of characteristic points of the CPI structures so obtained were compared with the heights entered into the records of the public utility company Javno podjetje Vodovod Kanalizacija, d. o. o. (VO-KA). An analysis of the measurements performed on-site and the comparison of the results with the officially recorded heights for the characteristic points of the CPI structures confirmed our reservations regarding the quality of recorded data on utility lines. Correct data on the heights of CPI structures can only be obtained by choosing suitable reference points, and it is crucial to associate them with the benchmarks of state or city-wide levelling networks or all geodetic points the heights of which are measured with a 1 mm degree of precision.

Keywords:commercial public infrastructure, Consolidated Cadastre of Commercial Public Infrastructure, height of characteristic points, trigonometric levelling, sewer shafts

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