
Prototip nadzora in evidence dostopa s pomočjo pametnega telefona
ID SUŠNIK, GREGOR (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D99E3A6C9C47B5E57424CEEF11FCECE8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b0303ccc-1f0f-4eac-bf4e-27caf0f01214

Namen diplomskega dela je izdelati delujoč prototip aplikacije, katere glavna naloga je beleženje delovnega časa, vodenje evidence časa dela ter nadzor zaposlenih z uporabo kontrole dostopa, ki je izvedena s pomočjo pametnega telefona. Kontrola dostopa je učinkovit sistem za izvajanje zagotavljanja varnosti fizičnih prostorov in digitalnih informacij pred nepooblaščenim dostopom. Kontrola dostopa se lahko nadgradi še v samodejno beleženje delovnega časa zaposlenih. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali omenjena sistema in se na podlagi ugotovitev v naslednjem poglavju lotili idejne zasnove prototipa. Ideja je prerasla v konkretno analizo zahtev in izvedbo. Vsako zahtevo smo implementirali posamično. Z uporabo različnih programskih rešitev smo uspešno izdelali prototip sistema, ki s pomočjo pametnega telefona in namizne aplikacije ter NFC terminala beleži evidenco ur dela in omogoča kontrolo dostopa. Rezultat je delujoča aplikacija, ki je v zadnjem poglavju še preizkušena v produkcijskem okolju.

Keywords:registracija delovnega časa, kontrola dostopa, mobilna aplikacija, namizna aplikacija, pameten telefon
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85023 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:A prototype for access control and time attendance using smart phone
The main aim of this thesis is to develop a functioning application prototype of a time-andattendance system for automatic time and attendance registration, time and attendance management and for controlling employees’ access, using smart phones. The access control is an excellent solution for security management of physical rooms as well as digital information, with a purpose of preventing unauthorized access. Access control can be further upgraded into a time-and-attendance system. In the theoretical part of our thesis both systems are researched, resulting in a conceptual design of our prototype. A conceptual design advanced into requirements analysis. Every requirement was implemented separately. A prototype was created using different software solutions. Via mobile phone application, desktop application and NFC terminal, our prototype is able to run access control service and time attendance service. The result of this thesis is therefore a working prototype. In the last section, the prototype is tested and analysed in production environment.

Keywords:time attendance, access control, mobile application, desktop application, smart phone

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