
Uvedba sistema zagotavljanja sledljivosti v farmaciji
ID FIKON, DEAN (Author), ID Mahnič, Viljan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 619D61C1B2EF2178DFBC84ECC6285CD1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c8528b41-dc3f-4fbd-b3a5-09162a23ba20

Vedno večje globalne razsežnosti prepovedane trgovine ponarejenih farmacevtskih izdelkov so spodbudile države po vsem svetu k postopni uvedbi standardov in regulatornih zahtev, ki bodo odigrali pomembno vlogo pri zajezitvi in odpravi omenjenega problema. Namen magistrskega dela je podati konceptualno sistematično predstavitev dejanskih svetovnih zahtev na področju serializacije in sledljivosti v farmaciji in z njimi na praktičnem primeru prikazati, kako uvesti dolgoročen in učinkovit informacijski sistem za podporo vseh potreb z vidika proizvodne farmacevtske družbe. Pri iskanju najustreznejše rešitve iz izbora ponudb rešitev sledljivosti je bil za podporo kompleksnega večparametrskega odločanja uporabljen računalniški program DEXi. Pri odločanju se je SAP Aii/OER rešitev izkazala kot najprimernejša, zato je prisotna v vseh vidikih arhitekturne zasnove kot osrednja komponenta in vezni člen arhitekturne postavitve. Zagotovitev celostnega pristopa analiz in vizualizacije procesov farmacevtskega podjetja je bilo realizirano z uporabo orodja ArchiMate, ki predstavlja sodobni jezik modeliranja poslovno-informacijske arhitekture. ArchiMate predstavitev je zajemala poslovni, aplikacijski in tehnični nivo. Na podlagi priprav je prikazan praktičen primer vpeljave sistema SAP Aii/OER z uporabo metodologije ASAP, ki velja kot standardni pristop na področju sistemov SAP. V podkrepitev teze so vključeni praktični primeri, ki prikazujejo platformo SAP Aii/OER. Rezultat dela je delujoč in integriran sistem SAP Aii/OER v okolju SAP ECC.

Keywords:sledljivost, serializacija, SAP Aii/OER, ArchiMate
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85018 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Title:Implementation of Track and Trace system in a pharmaceutical company
The increasing global threats caused by a prohibited trade of counterfeit pharmaceutical goods encourage countries around the world to gradually apply a set of global standards and provisions that could play a vital role in counterbalancing and thus eliminating the problem. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to provide a conceptual systematic presentation of the actual global serialization and traceability requirements in pharmacy and therefore show how to introduce a sustainable and efficient IT system meeting all the demands from the perspective of a manufacturing pharmaceutical company using a practical example. To support the complex decision-making of the best fit solution for our implementation from a set of possible traceability solution systems, the computer program designed for multi-attribute decision making DEXI was used. The SAP Aii/OER traceability solution was selected as the most suitable one and therefore all the aspects of the architectural design comprise SAP as a central component and an interface of the architectural installation. To ensure a holistic approach to the analysis and visualization of the pharmaceutical company business process, the Archimate tool was applied as an enterprise architecture modelling language. The Archimate presentation encompassed the enterprise, application and technical levels. The results of the preparation conducted showed the practical implementation of the SAP Aii/ OER system through the use of ASAP methodology considered as a standard approach in the field of the AS systems. To substantiate the thesis, practical examples of the implementation were included demonstrating the SAP Aii/OE platform. The thesis results in a new and well-functioning integrated SAP Aii/OER system within the SAP ECC environment.

Keywords:Track and Trace, serialization, SAP Aii/OER, ArchiMate

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