
Alternativne zasnove jedrskih elektrarn
ID TROP, JERNEJ (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rudež, Urban (Comentor)

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MD5: 2E8E4FB98F0436B0FF4BAD80DE045547
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9cffea96-6404-43b5-b0f7-41459d5ca399

Jedrska energetika, kakršna je uveljavljena danes, je v veliki meri plod razmeroma starih tehnoloških rešitev. Kot takšna se je tekom zgodovine delovanja kljub nenehnim izboljšavam že večkrat soočala z različnimi težavami, ki zadevajo varnost in zanesljivost obratovanja. Te so segale od pogostejših ter nedolžnih, pa vse do redkih, a bistveno bolj nevarnih dogodkov, ki so precej zaznamovali zaupanje javnosti do pridobivanja jedrske energije. Slednje je najbolj očitno v Nemčiji, kjer so se odločili v bližnji prihodnosti zaustaviti vse jedrske objekte. K zmanjšani naklonjenosti tovrstnemu načinu pridobivanja energije prispeva seveda tudi dejstvo, da so s trenutno tehnologijo proizvedeni odpadki radioaktivni zelo dolgo časa. Dolgoročne strategije, ki naj bi zagotavljale varno sanacijo, so omejene na odlaganje v opuščene rudnike ali druge podzemne lokacije. Omenjene pomanjkljivosti bi lahko reševali z reaktorji 4. generacije, ki sodijo med najnovejše koncepte s področja jedrske tehnologije. V pričujočem diplomskem delu so predstavljene tehnične osnove šestih izbranih tipov reaktorjev, njihove prednosti ter izzivi, s katerimi se trenutno soočajo raziskovalci številnih sodelujočih držav.

Keywords:Jedrska energija, jedrski reaktorji 4. generacije, pasivna varnost, zaprti gorivni krog.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85015 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Title:Alternative nuclear power plants concepts
The nuclear power industry as we know it today, is largely based on relatively old technological solutions. As such, it has encountered many different operational problems regarding safety and reliability throughout its history, even though it has been subjected to many tehnical improvements. The problematic events were ranging from frequent and innocent, up to rare, but much more dangerous ones. It is those that have negatively influenced the public opinion and caused distrust towards nuclear energy. The most obvious example is Germany, which has decided to phase out all of its nuclear power plants in the near term. The fact that the waste produced with current technology is radioactive for a very long time does not help in getting more public support. Long-term waste management strategies are currently limited to disposal in deep geological repositories, such as abandoned mines or other underground locations. These shortcomings could be dealt with by developing and employing the 4th generation of reactors, which brings forth the newest concepts of nuclear technology. This thesis presents the basic technical properties of the six chosen reactor types, along with the benefits and challanges that present themselves to researchers of the many cooperating countries.

Keywords:Nuclear energy, generation 4 nuclear reactors, passive safety, closed fuel cycle.

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