
Pogonski sistemi v cestnih električnih vozilih
ID MERVAR, JURE (Author), ID Fišer, Rastko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d11d880a-d8e7-486c-837c-563cc8785e82

Namen diplomskega dela je pregled zgodovine električne mobilnosti in aktualnih pogonskih rešitev. V drugem poglavju je predstavljen pregled električne mobilnosti od začetnih laboratorijskih poizkusov do prvih prototipnih električnih vozil. Poglavje je razdeljeno na posamezne tipe električnih pogonskih sistemov. Tematika se nadaljuje v tretjem poglavju, kjer so predstavljena trenutno najbolj napredna električna vozila po posameznih zasnovah. V četrtem poglavju so predstavljene različne topološke zasnove pogonskih sistemov električnih in hibridnih vozil. Prav tako so poudarjene njihove prednosti in slabosti. V poglavju je že razvidno, kateri pogonski sistemi so bolj primerni za posamezne vozne cikle. V petem poglavju so izpostavljeni najbolj pogosti tipi električnih motorjev, ki se danes vgrajujejo v električna vozila. Primerjane so njihove obratovalne karakteristike in zmogljivosti v realnih pogonskih sistemih. V šestem poglavju je primerjan odziv asinhronskega motorja in motorja z notranje nameščenimi trajnimi magneti v istem vozilu. V sedmem poglavju je opravljena analiza dosedanjega napredka pri električni mobilnosti. Analizirani so podatki in predstavljene smernice razvoja v prihodnje. V zadnjem poglavju je podan koncept lokalne proizvodnje in uporabe EE v mestu Yokohama. Pri uresničenju zastavljene študije bi mesto postalo najbolj trajnostno energijsko zasnovano in bi predstavljajo zgled ostalim velikim mestom.

Keywords:Električno vozilo, hibridno električno vozilo, asinhronski motor, motor s trajnimi magneti, reluktančni motor, učinkovitost.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85013 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Power trains in road electrical vehicles
The goal of thesis is to make an overview of electrical propulsion through history and to look at current drive solutions. In second chapter an overview of propulsion from the first laboratory experiments to the first prototypes of electrical vehicles is presented. The chapter is divided according to the specific types of electrical propulsion systems. The subject continues into third chapter, where we look at most advanced electrical vehicles. In fourth chapter we describe different topologies of electrical propulsion systems in hybrid vehicles. We also expose their advantages and disadvantages and we can already determine which drive systems are better suited for individual driving cycles. In chapter five the most frequently used types of electrical motors that are used in latest electrical vehicles are presented. We compare their operating characteristics and capabilities in real driving systems. In chapter six we compare the response of two different types of electrical motors in the same vehicle. In chapter seven we make analysis of overall progress in electrical mobility. We analyze data and point out the direction of future trends. Last chapter shows us concept of local production and use of electrical energy in city of Yokohoma. According to the vision, the city would become the most sustainable and would be an example to other large communities.

Keywords:electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, induction motor, BLDC motor, synchronous reluctance motor, efficiency

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