
Daljinski nadzor mase čebeljega panja
ID ŠERCELJ, BLAŽ (Author), ID Vončina, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E0708C080AC966CF9E1E1A22DB06D8F6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7afb8b63-6c27-4a70-974c-f2c8d0124911

V diplomskem delu sem izdelal daljinsko tehtnico, z možnostjo daljinskega odčitavanja za potrebe v prevoznem čebelarstvu. Tehtnica je narejena na osnovi delovanja mikrokrmilnika PIC 18F4520, ki sem ga uporabljal že v času študija. Za tehtanje je uporabljena navadna poštna tehtnica, od katere sem poleg merilnega dela uporabil še ojačevalno-seštevalno vezje, ki povezuje skupaj vse štiri merilne upore. Analogni izhodni signal tehtnice je speljan na AD pretvornik mikrokrmilnika, ki ga pretvori v digitalno vrednost. Pridobljen podatek o napetosti se programsko pretvori v maso. Podatek o masi se ob pritisku tipke za meritev izpiše na LCD prikazovalniku. Za pošiljanje SMS sporočila vsakodnevno ob določeni uri, pa je uporabljeno vezje za generiranje realnega časa, ki mikrokrmilniku sporoča realni čas. Ob pogoju, da je čas pošiljanja enak realnemu času, bo mikrokrmilnik izvedel meritev na AD pretvorniku in podatek o masi poslal na GSM modul. GSM modul bo podatek poslal v obliki SMS sporočila na izbrano številko. S programskim paketom Eagle sem izdelal električno shemo, ki je bila osnova za izdelavo načrta tiskanega vezja. Z izdelanim tiskanim vezjem je tehtnica lahko začela delovati nemoteno in brez napak, ki so se pojavljale na začetku v vezavi s šolsko testno ploščo. Za izdelavo programske kode sem moral obnoviti znanje programskega paketa MPLAB X IDE, ki sem ga uporabljal že v času študija. Koda je pisana v programskem jeziku C, prevajalnik XC8, pa je programsko kodo prevedel v strojno, primerno za zapis v mikrokrmilnik.

Keywords:Daljinska tehtnica, GSM komunikacija, Mikrokrmilnik PIC 18F4520, AD pretvornik, USART komunikacija, I2C komunikacija, LCD prikazovalnik, programski jezik C, Programski paket Eagle, MPLAB X IDE
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Title:Remote control of beehive mass
In this thesis I made a remote scale with the possibility of remote reading for the needs of the mobile beekeeping. The scale is made on the basis of the PIC 18F4520 microcontroller which I have used already during my studies. An ordinary postal scale is used for weighing. Besides the measuring part, I also used an analog circuit which amplify signal from 4-resistor bridge of the scale. The analogue output signal of the scale is routed to the AD converter of the microcontroller, which then converts it into a digital value. The acquired data is then converted into mass using the software. When pressing the key for measuring, the mass data is displayed on the LCD display. The circuit used to generate real-time is used to send an SMS message on a daily basis at the preset time. This circuit communicates in real time with the microcontroller. When the preset time is equal to the real time, the microcontroller will measure the AD converter and will send mass data to the GSM module. This module will then send the data in the form of an SMS message to the selected number. I used Eagle software package to create an electric scheme, which was the basis for the drawing up of the printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB enabled the scale to function fully and error free, the latter were occurring at the beginning of the testing school board. For the production of the software code, I had to renew my knowledge of the software package MPLAB X IDE, which I have already used during my studies. The code is written in the C programming language, but the XC8 compiler translated it into a technical code suitable to be stored in the microcontroller.

Keywords:Remote scale, GSM communication, PIC 18F4520 microcontroller, AD converter, USART communication, I2C communication, LCD display, C programming language, software package Eagle, MPLAB X IDE

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