
Didaktične igre in igrače v prvih razredih mestnih in podeželskih osnovnih šol
ID Stroj, Anja (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3711/ This link opens in a new window

Igra je ena izmed pomembnejših dejavnosti v otrokovem vsakdanu, prav tako pa je ključna tudi za otrokov razvoj. Pogosto so v igralno dejanje vključeni predmeti – največkrat so to igre in igrače. Otroci, ki vstopajo v šolo, se nahajajo v razvojnem obdobju srednjega otroštva, kar pomeni, da za svoj normalen razvoj (fizični, kognitivni, socialni itd.) še vedno potrebujejo veliko igre. Zato je pomembno, da igro vključimo tudi v šolsko okolje – kot sestavni del pouka (didaktične igre) in tudi kot dejavnost med odmori, ko se morajo učenci sprostiti in obenem pripraviti za kvalitetno nadaljevanje pouka. Ob svojem dosedanjem delu sem na različnih osnovnih šolah opazila, da za kvalitetno igro učencev med odmorom ni bilo optimalno poskrbljeno. Bodisi so bili igralni kotički neurejeni ali premajhni, ali pa so bile igre in igrače poškodovane, pogubljene ali neuporabne. Po podrobnem pregledu literature nisem našla nobene raziskave, ki bi se ukvarjala z analiziranjem iger in igrač, ki so prvošolcem v Sloveniji na voljo za prosto igro med odmori. Tako sem se odločila, da bo prav to tema mojega magistrskega dela. V okviru tega sem si zastavila naslednje cilje: popisati igre in igrače, ki so na voljo za prosto igro med odmori učencem prvih razredov mestnih in podeželskih osnovnih šol; analizirati stanje teh iger in igrač; ugotoviti, ali se pojavljajo razlike v številu, vrsti in stanju iger in igrač med podeželskimi in mestnimi osnovnimi šolami; pridobiti informacije o pogledu učiteljic obravnavanih prvih razredov na vlogo in pomen iger in igrač ter iger kot dejavnosti; opisati navade in izkušnje učencev prvih razredov o uporabi iger in igrač med odmori. Raziskavo sem opravila vštirinajstih prvih razredih osnovnih šol, in sicer na sedmih podeželskih in sedmih mestnih. V raziskavi je sodelovalo vseh 14 učiteljic prvih razredov z njihovimi učenci. Pri učiteljicah sem za pridobitev njihovih mnenj uporabila raziskovalno metodo anketiranja (razdelila sem jim anketo, sestavljeno iz desetih vprašanj). V vsakem izmed razredov sem si po opazovanju učencev (s pomočjo kontrolne liste) med prosto igro med odmorom izbrala po štiri učence (skupno 56 učencev) za polstrukturirani skupinski intervju s petimi glavnimi vprašanji. V vseh razredih sem glede na kontrolno listo popisala in kategorizirala igre in igrače, ki so na voljo učencem za prosto igro med odmori. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da na vseh obravnavanih osnovnih šolah dobro skrbijo za igre in igrače, ki so na voljo učencem za igro (zelo majhen delež je polomljenih, pogubljenih ali zastarelih igrač). Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se število iger in igrač ter struktura zbirke igrač (različne vrste igrač) od šole do šole močno razlikujejo. V primerjavi iger in igrač na podeželskih in mestnih šolah nismo našli pomembnejših razlik (največja razlika med tema dvema skupinama šol je v deležu igrač, ki spodbujajo zaznavanje in gibanje, in sicer jih je v mestnih šolah približno 10% več kot v podeželskih). Rezultati raziskave kažejo na dobro zavedanje učiteljic prvih razredov o pomenu proste igre učencev med odmori ter nakazujejo na njihovo zadovoljstvo glede števila in raznolikosti igrač v njihovih razredih. Učenci so prav tako zadovoljni z naborom in številom šolskih iger in igrač, kljub temu pa bi si zbirko želeli dopolniti. Izsledkov raziskave zaradi majhnosti vzorca ne moremo posplošiti, kljub temu pa služijo kot indikator dejanskega stanja iger in igrač v prvih razredih obravnavanih šol.

Keywords:razvoj otroka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85000 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11151433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Didactic games and toys in first grades of city and rural primary schools
Playing is one of the most important activities in the everyday life of a child as well as an essential part of its development. The act of playing often includes objects – usually toys and board games. When children enter school, they are in their middle childhood, which means they still need a lot of play for their normal development (physical, cognitive, social, etc.). This is why it is important to integrate play also into school environment – as a component part of classes (in a form of didactic games) or as an activity during recess, when pupils need to relax and get ready for the next lesson. During my recent work at different primary schools, I noticed that in some cases the conditions for pupils` play during recess were poor. Either the playing areas in classrooms were disorderly and sometimes too small or the school toys were in poor condition and in some cases out-of-date. After a thorough analysis of the existing literature, I did not find any research on the subject of analyzing toys and board games, which are available for play during recess to first grade pupils in urban and rural primary schools in Slovenia. Therefore I chose this particular issue as the subject of my master’s thesis. The objectives of the thesis are: to list and categorize all toys and board games available to first grade pupils for play during recess; to find out the condition these toys and board games are in; to find differences and similarities between toys and board games in rural schools compared to urban schools; to gain first grade teacher’s opinions about the meaning and role of toys and games as well as play as an activity in school environment; to describe the habits and experiences of first grade pupils with the use of toys and games during recess. The study was made in the first grades of 14 primary schools, 7 rural and 7 urban schools. It involved all 14 first grade teachers and their pupils. I acquired the data from the teachers through a questionnaire (consisting of 10 questions). After observing first grade pupils' play during the main recess, I chose 4 pupils in every class (all together 56) for a semi-structured group interview with 5 main questions. I used a check list for listing and categorizing all the toys and board games, available to first grade pupils in every class. The results of the study show that toys and board games are in a good condition and well taken care of in all 14 schools (only a very small number of toys and games are either broken, lost or out-of-date). I also observed that the collection of toys (different types of toys) differs significantly in terms of quantity and structure from school to school. No major differencescan be foundwhen comparing toys and board games in urban schools to those in rural schools (the biggest decline beingthe percentage of toys that encourage perception and movement – urban schools have about 10% more of those than rural schools). According to the results,first grade teachers are well aware of the importance of play in school environment and are satisfied with the quantity and diversity of toys and games, which are at disposal to their pupils. Furthermore, first grade pupils are also happy with the toy and games collection in their classes, although some of them wish to enrich the collection with new toys and games. Due to a small sample, the results of the research cannot be generalized, although they can be used as an indicator of the actual condition of the toys and board games in first grades of rural and urban primary schools in Slovenia.

Keywords:child development

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