
Skupinska pomoč učencem tretjega razreda z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki
ID Mataič Šalamun, Mihaela (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hodnik Čadež, Tatjana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3701/ This link opens in a new window

Rezultati raziskav, ki so povezane z učnimi težavami pri učenju matematike, kažejo, da matematični dosežki posameznika pomembno vplivajo na njegovo izobraževalno uspešnost, na njegove možnosti zaposlovanja in tudi na duševno zdravje. Ene od pogostejših učnih težav pri matematiki so učne težave pri učenju aritmetike. Učenci z učnimi težavami pri učenju aritmetike imajo nezadostno avtomatizirana aritmetična dejstva in postopke v algoritmu za aritmetične operacije, kar je pogosto vzrok za učne težave teh učencev skozi celotno osnovnošolsko izobraževanje, zato potrebujejo specifične pristope in intenzivnejše učenje različnih strategij. Ena od učinkovitih oblik obravnave učencev z učnimi težavami pri matematiki je skupinska oblika pomoči na tretjem koraku slovenskega petstopenjskega modela pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami. Ta omogoča vključitev več učencev hkrati v obravnavo ter več komunikacije med učenci, kar pomembno vpliva na napredek učencev pri učenju matematike. Večstopenjski modeli pomoči omogočajo učinkovito odkrivanje učencev, ki so rizični za učni neuspeh pri matematiki in/ali na drugih področjih učenja ter učinkovitejše in intenzivnejše oblike pomoči, ki so v primerjavi z običajnimi oblikami dela z učenci organizirane bolj zgodaj. Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je oblikovanje kompenzacijskega programa razvoja aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti pri učencih z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki v 3. razredu osnovne šole ter oblikovanje modela obravnave učencev v okviru skupinske pomoči ob vrstniški pomoči na tretjem koraku petstopenjskega modela pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami. Program zajema razvoj aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti v skupini in razvoj aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov na računalniku z namenom zmanjšanja ali odprave učnih težav pri aritmetiki pri učencih z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki in preprečitve nizkih izobraževalnih rezultatov pri aritmetiki v višjih razredih osnovne šole. V vzorec je bilo zajetih 16 učencev z učnimi težavami pri učenju aritmetike, ki so bili vključeni v skupinsko obravnavo na tretjem koraku petstopenjskega modela pomoči in so predstavljali eksperimentalno skupino (skupino 1) in 14 učencev z učnimi težavami pri učenju aritmetike, ki niso bili deležni pomoči po našem programu in so predstavljali kontrolno skupino (skupino 2). V skupino 3 pa je bilo vključenih 209 vrstnikov oziroma sošolcev obeh skupin učencev, ki niso imeli prepoznanih učnih težav pri aritmetiki. Poleg tega pa smo iz skupine 3 izbrali 14 učencev, ki so izvajali vrstniško pomoč učencem z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki. V raziskavi so bili uporabljeni različni merski instrumenti, s katerimi smo ugotavljali aritmetična znanja in spretnosti, organizacijske spretnosti in učne stile učencev. Uporabljen je bil vprašalnik za učitelje za oceno aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti vseh učencev, vključenih v raziskavo. V raziskavi je bila izvedena kvalitativna in kvantitativna obdelava podatkov v skladu z namenom študije in raziskovalnimi hipotezami. Narejena je bila osnovna statistika za opis vzorca in prikaz celotnega vzorca spremenljivk, frekvenčna porazdelitev vseh spremenljivk, aritmetične sredine in standardni odkloni za numerično izražene odgovore, t-test, Levenov F-test homogenosti varianc in diskriminantna analiza. Rezultati so pokazali, da so učenci skupine 1 statistično pomembno napredovali v avtomatizaciji aritmetičnih postopkov seštevanja in odštevanja do 100 in do 1000 ter v avtomatizaciji dejstev v času izvajanja program. S treningom aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti v skupini ob vrstniškem sodelovanju ter treningom aritmetičnih postopkov in dejstev na računalniku se je povečalo število transformacijskih strategij in priklica dejstev ter točnost izvedbe postopkov in priklica dejstev. Prav tako so se pokazale statistično pomembne razlike med učenci skupine 1 in skupine 2 po koncu izvajanja programa, in sicer v avtomatizaciji aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov seštevanja in odštevanja do 100 in do 1000 ter v avtomatizaciji poštevanke. Napredek učencev skupine 1 pa se je pokazal tudi pri primerjavi dosežkov učencev skupine 1 in skupine 3 na Testu za ugotavljanje aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov po koncu izvajanja programa. Razlike med dosežki skupine 1 in skupine 3 na začetnem testiranju so bile namreč statistično pomembne pri vseh spremenljivkah, na končnem testiranju pa se razlike v dosežkih obeh skupin niso pokazale kot statistično pomembne pri računih, vrednotenih z 1 in 2 točkama, medtem ko so bile razlike v dosežkih še vedno statistično pomembne pri računih, vrednotenih s 3 točkami in pri doseženem številu točk. Iz rezultatov analize variance in rezultatov diskriminantne analize je razvidno, da se dosežki učencev skupine 1 in skupine 2 statistično pomembno razlikujejo pri rezultatih testov, ki smo jih zajeli v analizo. Učinkovito prepoznavanje in diagnostično oceno učencev z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki omogočajo Desetminutni aritmetični test za ugotavljanje aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov (Kavkler, Tancig, Magajna, Rugelj in Lipec-Stopar, 1996), preizkus Odkrivanje učnih težav pri matematiki III (Adler, 2000) ter Test poznavanja števil (Griffin, 2002). Prispevek k znanstvenemu razvoju specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike predstavlja raziskovanje in razvoj modela pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami v osnovni šoli, s poudarkom na oblikovanju modela za obravnavo učencev v okviru skupinske pomoči ob vrstniški pomoči na tretjem koraku petstopenjskega modela odziv na obravnavo. Z empiričnim delom magistrskega dela prispevamo k razvoju pedagoške teorije in prakse, saj smo predstavili primer dobre prakse izvajanja pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki v osnovni šoli. Aplikativni doprinos magistrskega dela je v oblikovanju programa razvoja aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti pri učencih z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki v 3. razredu osnovne šole.

Keywords:učenci z učnimi težavami pri aritmetiki
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84967 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11146825 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Group support third grade pupils with learning difficulties in arithmetic
Research results, connected with learning difficulties in maths, show that the achievements in maths have a significant effect on one's educational success, their employment possibilities, and also their mental health. One of the most frequent difficulty in maths is learning arithmetics. With the students, who have learning difficulties in arithmetics, the arithmetic facts are not sufficiently automatized and neither are the procedures in algorithm for arithmetic operations. This is the most common reason for learning difficulties through the whole elementary school period, so the students need specific approaches and more intensive learning of different strategies. An efficient method of work with the students with learning difficulties in maths is group support on the third level of Slovene 5-step model of learning support (response to intervention) to students with learning difficulties. It enables more students to get support and also an interaction between them, which has an important effect on learning progress. Multilevel models of support enable an efficient recognition of the students, who are at risk for being unsuccessful in maths or other subjects, and more efficient and intensive forms of support, which are organized and given earlier than the common forms of support. The basic aim of my post graduate paper was to build a compensatory programme of development of arithmetic knowledge and skills for the third-grade students with learning diffculties in arithmetics, and to form a model of support, which included group support and peer tutoring on the third level of the 5-step model of learning support to students with learning difficulties. The programme included practice of arithmetic knowledge and skills in a group, with the integration of the peer tutoring, and practice of arithmetic facts and procedures in algorithm on the computer with an aim to reduce or eliminate learning difficulties with the third-grade students in arithmetics, and so prevent the low achievement levels in arithmetics in higher grades of primary school education. There were 16 students with learning difficulties in arithmetics, who were integrated in the group support on the third level of the 5-step model of learning support. They represented an experimental group (group 1). There were 14 other students with learning difficulties in arithmetics, who did not receive our support, and they represented group 2. In group 3 there were 209 students, who did not have any learning difficulties in arithmetics. In the research we used different metric instruments, with which we assessed arithmetic and counting abilities, number knowledge, organizational skills and learning styles of the students. The collected data were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively according to the aim of the study and the research hypotheses. We made basic parametric statistics to describe the pattern and to present the whole pattern of variables, frequency arrangement of all variables and arithmetic mean, standard deviations for numerically presented answers, t-test, Levene's F-test of equality of variances and discriminative analysis. The results showed that the students in group 1 (experimental group) showed a statistically important progress in automatization of the arithmetic procedures in algorithm, in addition and substraction to 100 and 1000, and in automatization of multiplication. Practice of arithmetic knowledge and skills in group and with integration of peer tutoring, and the practice of arithmetic facts and procedures in algorithm on the computer resulted in a bigger number of transformational strategies and recall of facts, and accuracy in procedure implementation in algorithm and recall of facts. At the end of the programme there were also statistically important differences between the group 1 and the group 2 (control group) in the automatization of arithmetic facts and procedures in algorithm, in addition and substraction to 100 and 1000, and in automatization of multiplication. The progress of the group 1 was also seen at a final testing at the end of the programme, since the differences between the group 1 and the group 3 (students without learning difficulties in maths) did not prove statistically important at a test which assessed arithmetic facts and procedures with the sums for 1 and 2 points. The results of variance and discriminative analysis show that there are statistically important differences between the students from the group 1 and the group 2 in test results. We can make an efficient identification and a diagnostic evaluation of the students with learning difficulties in arithmetic with Ten-minutes arithmetic test for assessing arithmetic facts and procedures (Kavkler, Tancig, Magajna, Rugelj in Lipec-Stopar, 1996), a test Manual Mathematics Screening III (Adler, 2000), and Number Knowledge Test (Griffin, 2002). Research and development of models of support to the students with learning difficulties with an emphasis on group support and peer tutorinh on the third level of the 5-step model of learning support (to the students with learning difficulties at elementary school represents an important contribution to scientific development of special and rehabilitation pedagogy. In the empirical part the paper contributes to development of pedagogic theory and practice with a presentation of an example of good practice how to give support to the students with learning difficulties in arithmetics. Applied contribution of the paper is in building the compensatory programme of development of arithmetic knowledge and skills for the third-grade students with learning diffculties in arithmetics.

Keywords:students with learning difficulties in arithmetics

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